LOE TS3-Mumble Poll

Should Legacy of Elijah use Team Speak 3 or Mumble?

  • Team Speak 3

    Votes: 11 24.4%
  • Mumble

    Votes: 21 46.7%
  • No Preference

    Votes: 13 28.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You don't have control over your server on C3. If their server goes down, there are no work arounds to regain use of the software. It's all dependent upon them keeping their servers stable.

With mumble, and teamspeak for that matter, each individual organization controls their own server. If the devs put out a bad update, we can easily go back to an older version. If our server goes down, we can restart it instantly. These are things which can't be done on C3 (at least that's what I have found out from a look at the site).


We have complete control over mumble and teamspeak. We have almost no control over C3 comparatively.
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however if it works well for everyone it might be a viable choice, but its just one more option that is here to possibly cause some confusion.

I am up for a test of this system. I like Mumble due to my computer working better then it does on TS3. However I know its not all about me. I am willing to check it out though.

Joshinator's post makes sense too as we will potentially lose the service if it goes down.
Right, TS3 and Mumble are both solid choices, we don't need a third good choice as much as to decide on one.
The overlay in mumble is so fantastic for seeing who is talking, I would really miss that in C3 and TS3, just saying
Good points, Ewoks. Mumble is my top choice but we need to make sure everybody can use it with no issues.
yay! I finally got mumble working on this pc. Can I change my user name? It's Diana right now, but maybe Kyrel or O Stylo would be better.... hmmm..
Good points, Ewoks. Mumble is my top choice but we need to make sure everybody can use it with no issues.

To a point yes. Some people have issues with TS3 and others with Mumble, but we still need to move forward. Sticking with a fragmented guild is not a good solution. The decision should be made soon, hopefully, and then everyone can support it, then anyone that has issues connecting can work with the tech people (like me) to get it working.
yay! I finally got mumble working on this pc. Can I change my user name? It's Diana right now, but maybe Kyrel or O Stylo would be better.... hmmm..

Yes you can change your name and then if you want you can self register it with a password so no one else can take it.
Mumble represents Tribe of Judah's and the Christian Gamers Alliance's best shot at a unified voice chat server and an active real-time community.

I tried to convince people to switch from Ventrilo to TeamSpeak 3 a few years ago, but it didn't take. We've had an easier time convincing people to switch from Vent to Mumble. If there had been sufficient momentum for TS3 to be our voice chat server of choice, I probably never would have even set up the CGA Mumble Server. (I really wouldn't have, because it took me 4-6 hours on a Saturday to do it and I work 40 hours a week.)

And in case you're wondering why I haven't just made an executive decision and shut down the CGA TS3 server, it's because I don't want to be so heavy-handed about it. I want everyone to see the value of having One Voice Chat Server To Rule Them All.

That, and setting up the TS3 server was an absolute nightmare. Seriously. It was horrible. So I'll be honest and admit that the trauma of getting it working in the first place led to my reluctance to take it offline. (I also think it would be good to have a backup, as well.)
Just curious..May I ask what you don't like about it..?

That there will at any point in time be multiple voice chat servers up as permanent options. I prefer clear and concise. If I could I would also force people playing in GW2 to be in the GW2 room, WoW to be in WoW room etc. but I don't control everything. ;-)

If it's a transitional phase with them overlapping I'm okay with a short period. There should just be made a general awareness if one is decided over the other, some time to let people transition and then the other killed. Nothing will annoy users more than what happened during GW2 BWE. For me I can relay the experience.

Logged into to voice chat, no one one line, played for a while then had to log off. Come to find out half way through the event, despite people in forums deciding one thing (mumble), most people that actually voice chat in game got onto TS3. There were some that used mumble, but they weren't ever in GW2 room just general chat. And there were some in mumble and in the GW2 room that just play at different times than I did.

I guarantee that if more than one option is available people will be on one and not the other despite which one becomes "official" by that group. This only brings division from within. It's like slowly pulling off that band+aid... just rip it off man ;-þ

Suggestions; Is there a Message of The Day system or something similar to give a popup when users log in to the voice chat program? If so let those people know their voice chat fates are being decided on! If not make a room at the top where folks log in that says "Check the forum for when this service may go offline" or something of that nature. Odds are plenty of those folks don't scour the vast number of posts on the forums or visit at all. When they do it's hard to find what they're looking for. Tek7's sig is actually the easiest place to find out what the mumble or TS3 info is. Why isn't there a sticky anywhere that just has that basic information? Each and every chapter that uses it should have the info in their forum as a sticky IMO. If there is a sticky somewhere it only goes to my point that it's difficult to find since I haven't found it yet... ( I just went back to check that I wasn't crazy and it turns out that was just added in the general CGA forums as a sticky 3 days ago.) So let's work on having every chapter do the same for their folks.

Thanks for the time you guys put in!
Mumble has GW2 listed inside of SoE, not listed as it's own separate visible line. I didn't even know where it was. I did find it after a bit ^_^
I think Mumble vs TS3 is much like Apple vs PC. You'll have fanboys/fangirls in both camps that absolutely insist their choice is the one to rule them all. It is a good place to have as a secondary option, and there's those of us that just like how it runs. Personally, even if it's a smaller capacity, I'd like to see TS3 still running. I don't see GW2 bringing in their own voice-chat system (and I found most aren't that good in -game) Even if it's a smaller capacity, I'd like to see the TS3 server stay.
Just as a note: Mumble will have channels designated for GW2 and Legacy of Elijah. Regardless of the decision made here. It most likely will look very similar to what TS3 has already.
Well I've tried out mumble a few times now and to be honest I just think the voice quality in mumble is horrible compared to TS. Everyone sounds so staticky and well "mumblely" if you'll excuse the pun. I guess I just don't get why everyone thinks it's so wonderful. Compared to ts, it's very difficult to get set up and the lack of controls makes it harder to use.

Someone said that mumble supports many add-on apps? Ok, what apps? What is it that makes it so great to have? Is there something I'm doing wrong in connecting to it that makes the sound quality so bad? Is there an app I should have downloaded?

I know Ewok has offered to help me in the past but only if he can connect to my PC and take control. No offense, but sorry if that's my only option for tech support then no thanks. I'd rather not hand my computer over to someone I don't know. (Actually, I'd be squeamish about handing it over to someone I do know as well).

I don't understand why we can't just leave both servers up and running for now. Those of us that like mumble can stay there and those of us that prefer ts can use it. We'll still be in the same guild and chatting with each other ingame. When we team up for a dungeon or WvWvW ingame we can then join up with each other in a single chat channel, whichever server is more convenient for those participating in the event.
Well I've tried out mumble a few times now and to be honest I just think the voice quality in mumble is horrible compared to TS. Everyone sounds so staticky and well "mumblely" if you'll excuse the pun. I guess I just don't get why everyone thinks it's so wonderful. Compared to ts, it's very difficult to get set up and the lack of controls makes it harder to use.

Someone said that mumble supports many add-on apps? Ok, what apps? What is it that makes it so great to have? Is there something I'm doing wrong in connecting to it that makes the sound quality so bad? Is there an app I should have downloaded?

I know Ewok has offered to help me in the past but only if he can connect to my PC and take control. No offense, but sorry if that's my only option for tech support then no thanks. I'd rather not hand my computer over to someone I don't know. (Actually, I'd be squeamish about handing it over to someone I do know as well).

I don't understand why we can't just leave both servers up and running for now. Those of us that like mumble can stay there and those of us that prefer ts can use it. We'll still be in the same guild and chatting with each other ingame. When we team up for a dungeon or WvWvW ingame we can then join up with each other in a single chat channel, whichever server is more convenient for those participating in the event.

Something is definitely setup wrong. Mumble is much better quality then TS3. Mumble has a maximum voice quality of 133.6 kbit/s. This amount is over 10 times the maximum amount of voice data transfer that Teamspeak 3 or Ventrilo can handle.

It should sound crystal clear like the people are in the same room with zero static. Everyone's voice should be at the same volume. If that is not the case for you then something is not setup right or something on your PC is interfering.

I can try to troubleshoot your issues without a remote session, but for the last 6 years I have done remote sessions with my clients and found it a much better solution. There are way too many things I can troubleshoot and fly through that will take very long to explain over the phone. I understand that you might be concerned, but first and foremost I am a Christian of 30+ years, I have spent 3 years on the mission field in Italy and been a member of ToJ for 7 years. That should assuage most fears that I am trying to put some malicious software on your PC or steal your identity. Secondly, I do this for a living, I can have you contact my boss for references first if you like, I can also give you 100+ of my clients to contact if you want a reference. The software used to connect is a commercial product that you can eject from your system with a single click to the big red X button that will be on your screen at all times.

Let me know if you reconsider, I am sure we can get your mumble working flawlessly in short time.

As for addons, I am not aware of any. The built in overlay allows you to see who is chatting in game and there is a built in FPS meter as well.