I had the same issues that AJS (Fire Walker) did last night. We had a few users that were very soft and we could barely hear them. I've had this issue everytime I've been in mumble with at least one person that was too quiet or too loud or too staticty yet in TS they sound fine.
From my perspective it sounds like mumble is great if you configure it correctly, but that is difficult for a lot of non-techie people to do. TS is much simpler to set up and use. It's great to say that once the person is set up correctly, it will be easier but I'd rather just be able to turn a dial on my end and adjust them myself and not have to depend on the other user making adjustments.
Every time someone has said mumble doesn't sound good to them, they are told "well you didn't set it up right" or "well, the other person didn't set it up right" or "well, you just have a cheap mic or headset. Please upgrade". It's always our fault, never mumble's.
I prefer ts even though it looks like a losing battle. I'm not gonna argue that ts is a better product. I don't know enough about mumble's settings to say that. I just know that ts is easier to use than mumble.
It kinda reminds me of the Linux/Windows battle.
Which O/S is more efficient. Linux or Windows? Linux!
Which O/S is faster. Linux or Windows? Linux!
Which O/S is less buggy. Linux or Windows? Linux!
Which O/S is installed on your PC? Hmmmm? Yeah that's what I thought........
.....Because despite it's problems it's easier to set up and use unless you're a hard-core techie type that likes these things. I guess that's how i view mumble. When I come home and want to play I just want to play. I don't want to spend an hour trying to set up a voip program and spending time trying to walk others thru setting up theirs.
I guess I just don't understand the big deal with switching. I'll switch over to mumble because I don't seem to have a choice in the matter, but would it really kill the alliance to allow 2 voip servers? Even if we are all in mumble we'll likely be in different channels.
Now I've said in the past that if ts is costing us money that we could save by cutting it off, then go for it. I've asked that question a few times and gotten different answers each time. Some said it's free. Others have said we are paying for a license. Others have said it's free but we pay for a server (which isn't really free in my book). If moving the whole tribe to mumble saves money then do it. Free trumps functionality.
I don't want to sound like i'm griping, but I just don't think anyone's listening to our side either. We're just hearing "Everyone else likes mumble except you. What's wrong with you?" If i hear one more time that I didn't set it up right, i'm gonna scream!!