LOE TS3-Mumble Poll

Should Legacy of Elijah use Team Speak 3 or Mumble?

  • Team Speak 3

    Votes: 11 24.4%
  • Mumble

    Votes: 21 46.7%
  • No Preference

    Votes: 13 28.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That should assuage most fears that I am trying to put some malicious software on your PC or steal your identity.

It's true, he helped me once and only transferred money INTO my bank account instead of OUT. :)
Mumble shouldn't have any static! Methinks something went wrong.. Try this.
Configure -> Settings -> Audio Output -> Default Jitter buffer -> turn it to 20ms, if that doesn't fix it go higher
As for that Ewoks guy? I've known him for some time now.. He has my vote!
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I too will vouch for Ewoks. He has helped me out in the past and is currently sitting in in our private officer's discussions for LoE. However, I think Raven doesn't have a problem with Ewok's credentials but the actual idea of remote access.

Anyway, the idea for one voice server is to be unified both as a guild, and also as a Christians gamer alliance. There is money being spent to run the TS3 server whereas Mumble is free, and it frees up the administration's job of having to upkeep multiple servers (being the TS2 server operator for a while, that's a nice thing).
I agree with the statements that there should be no static at all with Mumble. When I use mumble, it's clearer than TS3, much clearer than Vent and even better than my landline (yes, I still have one!). It's as clear as someone being in the same room with me. The best, most efficient way for Ewoks to help you, Raven, is to have him connect remotely. I allow workmen into my house to fix the HVAC, plumbing, etc. It's the same kind of thing. I also do remote sessions with customers around the country and can attest that it's the best way to fix problems (next to actually being on site). All the commercial remote support programs that I'm aware of allow the customer to have complete control where you can kick the tech off if you suspect something is wrong. I'm sure you'll be communicating with him via voice as well and he'll probable be explaining most of the things he's trying to do.

With Mumble, the automatic gain control should fix the issue of some people being too loud and others not loud enough. When I got on TS3 for BWE, I had to go through the process of individually fixing everybody's volume and it was annoying. I've never had to do that in Mumble. If it's not doing that for you, then Ewoks suspicion that something is not set up correctly is probably right on. When I first got on Mumble in December, it seemed loud... so I turned down the volume of my headset and adjusted the game volume accordingly and haven't had a problem since. If everybody is too loud in Mumble (or too quiet), you need to adjust your headset (or speakers).
Personally the folks like Raven are exactly why I don't want more than one option available in the long run. I'd rather be able to speak with everyone on worse quality than have some folks on one client and others on another client.

I don't understand why we can't just leave both servers up and running for now. Those of us that like mumble can stay there and those of us that prefer ts can use it. We'll still be in the same guild and chatting with each other ingame. When we team up for a dungeon or WvWvW ingame we can then join up with each other in a single chat channel, whichever server is more convenient for those participating in the event.

That sounded like I'm saying "Raven is bad" which would be misconstrued. The reason I point to Raven is because from her post it's apparent that she will stick to TS3 despite what the guild pick is and if she gets into a group may jump over to mumble but will probably ask really nicely that those mumble people come over to TS3 "just for the instance" etc. Raven is not alone I'm sure others will do the same if it's an option.

Leadership saying it's not an option and leaving both clients available make it an option in deed despite the words. To be clear again, I don't care which one gets picked just that one gets picked and that the other gets turned off.
Whoa there, moderndaymicah...that is a little harsh. You are assuming things about Raven when you don't seem to know her very well.

I am "folks like Raven." I prefer TS3 to Mumble, but I am going to go with what is best for CGA. I'm pretty sure Raven and a number of others who prefer TS3 will do the same. We enjoy playing together - some of us for years - and we will continue to do the same whichever chat tool we use.

Unified chat is a great goal. The issues of quality and cost are both important factors, worth weighing as the leadership makes their decision.

Looking forward to playing with you and chatting in GW2.
Raven and Orry are in Mumble with me, Augcliffe and Tarsis. Raven is still having the sound quality issues but we all seem to be communicating ok.
Leadership saying it's not an option and leaving both clients available make it an option in deed despite the words. To be clear again, I don't care which one gets picked just that one gets picked and that the other gets turned off.

That is a CGA decision, not a LoE decision. We do not personally own or manage the TS3 or Mumble servers and it is up to the CGA leadership to determine which ones run and which don't
Moderndaymicah I have to agree with Abba, Raven is cooperating really well on the TS/Mumble issue. Especially considering she is having a LOT of tech issues with Mumble. She was in Mumble throughout the stress test. Yes she prefers TS3 as do many of us, but she is more interested in a unified guild.
Ugh, despite my saying don't misconstrue this it was still misunderstood I tried to be clear and sometimes that's hard. Raven just happened to make my point for me so pointing to it was just an easy example. I've chatted with raven during the BWE and she was awesome then as I assume she is now. It's not anything against her she just perfectly articulated the point I had made earlier that people didn't and apparently still don't seem to understand.

STC95 yes I realize this is a CGA decision. As Tek7 was in this very forum talking about it my point was supposed to be specific to us but the obvious implications would apply to all the other groups just the same. This is why I'm just making sure the reasons for picking a singular program are clear if that advice is not heeded for whatever reason, enough groups desiring contrary, Tek7 just hates to see TS3 go, CGA is split down the middle with entire chapters vehemently deciding one over the other, etc. I can understand I just have not seen many folks fervent for my point of view and had not seen it articulated well as of yet.
I used Mumble during the Beta stress test. This is first time I have used it for an extended period of time.

I didn't have any problems setting Mumble up. It did take several adjustments to get the process to not pick up a lot of background noise since I don't use the push to talk option.

The one issue I have with Mumble that caused me to want to stay with TeamSpeak is the lack an ability to raise or lower the volume of friends you are gaming with.

On Monday I had to keep adjusting my volume control to try to hear clearly what everyone was chatting about. The adjustments really didn't work. I could now hear the person that was not loud enough but now everyone else was too loud, and very little in game music and sound effects could be heard.

TS has this type of sound control and is why I would recommend that we continue it's use it in GW2. If mumble offered this type of option I would have no concerns about moving to Mumble.

Does anyone know if Mumble is planning to add this option in the future? Or can any suggest anything to correct this issue?

Fire Walker
This might help.

Can I change to volume of a specific user?

No, you cannot. Mumble employs AGC (Automatic Gain Control) to normalize the volumes of all players automatically. This means the individual adjustment of a single user is not required, nor wanted. We feel that it makes no sense for every user on a server to adjust the volume of someone manually when the person in question could just fix things on his end instead. Note that pretty much all questions we receive on this this come up because of users who did not bother to do our Audio Wizard, AGC is powerfull but if there is not enough signal to begin with (e.g. Mic volume turned way down) it will not be able to operate correctly.

You are going to run into this a bit until all the new users get up to speed. Once everyone has Mumble configured correctly it is a thing of beauty and everyone sounds perfectly level and you never have to adjust a user again! It is wonderful!

Also you will obviously need to adjust your game sounds accordingly, be aware that mumble has the option to tone down all other sounds when someone is talking by a set %. You might want to play with that as well.
I had the same issues that AJS (Fire Walker) did last night. We had a few users that were very soft and we could barely hear them. I've had this issue everytime I've been in mumble with at least one person that was too quiet or too loud or too staticty yet in TS they sound fine.

From my perspective it sounds like mumble is great if you configure it correctly, but that is difficult for a lot of non-techie people to do. TS is much simpler to set up and use. It's great to say that once the person is set up correctly, it will be easier but I'd rather just be able to turn a dial on my end and adjust them myself and not have to depend on the other user making adjustments.

Every time someone has said mumble doesn't sound good to them, they are told "well you didn't set it up right" or "well, the other person didn't set it up right" or "well, you just have a cheap mic or headset. Please upgrade". It's always our fault, never mumble's.

I prefer ts even though it looks like a losing battle. I'm not gonna argue that ts is a better product. I don't know enough about mumble's settings to say that. I just know that ts is easier to use than mumble.

It kinda reminds me of the Linux/Windows battle.
Which O/S is more efficient. Linux or Windows? Linux!
Which O/S is faster. Linux or Windows? Linux!
Which O/S is less buggy. Linux or Windows? Linux!
Which O/S is installed on your PC? Hmmmm? Yeah that's what I thought........

.....Because despite it's problems it's easier to set up and use unless you're a hard-core techie type that likes these things. I guess that's how i view mumble. When I come home and want to play I just want to play. I don't want to spend an hour trying to set up a voip program and spending time trying to walk others thru setting up theirs.

I guess I just don't understand the big deal with switching. I'll switch over to mumble because I don't seem to have a choice in the matter, but would it really kill the alliance to allow 2 voip servers? Even if we are all in mumble we'll likely be in different channels.

Now I've said in the past that if ts is costing us money that we could save by cutting it off, then go for it. I've asked that question a few times and gotten different answers each time. Some said it's free. Others have said we are paying for a license. Others have said it's free but we pay for a server (which isn't really free in my book). If moving the whole tribe to mumble saves money then do it. Free trumps functionality.

I don't want to sound like i'm griping, but I just don't think anyone's listening to our side either. We're just hearing "Everyone else likes mumble except you. What's wrong with you?" If i hear one more time that I didn't set it up right, i'm gonna scream!! :mad:
We are listening to your arguments. Many people have offered to help and have posted links on very simple, easy to follow instructions on how to fix your problems. Have you tried any of these solutions?

It sounds to me that you just want to use TS instead of trying to make Mumble work. I'm perfectly fine with that. In fact, I think that we should have TS available for those of us that are having problems with Mumble. Afterall, if we were using TS and some of us were having problems, I'd want an alternative to that.

Will we have the same unity if some of us are using each? No, but unless we are doing a guild event like WvW it may not be critical anyway. For the WvW perhaps we can all go to one or the other.
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I have tried the solutions offered and yes they have helped a bit. At this point I get the impression that that problems I'm having aren't on my end. When I have trouble hearing someone clearly, everyone else in the channel also has trouble hearing that person as well.

That was the whole point of my post. It's not that I can't get mumble working, it's that it's difficult to get mumble working and even if I do get everything configured properly, unless everyone else in the channel has also done this, we'll continue to experience issues.

I have to deal with tech problems all day at work. When I come home, I don't feel like dealing with more tech problems. I just want to relax and play a game with some friends. Being on mumble isn't relaxing when I'm struggling to understand people clearly and struggling to hear the NPC's ingame during a cutscene. (Didn't realize until yesterday that mumble mutes other apps when someone is talking)

I didn't go thru this with teamspeak. I installed it and everything worked great. Sure, some people are louder or softer but I have a volume control for that. Someone once said that mumble has add-on apps that you can find and install. I don't suppose there's an add-on app for volume control? If so, I'll happily install it and join the mumble fanboy club.

I think a lot of folks just feel frustrated with the move to mumble. We had a working voip in teamspeak and were told we need to move to mumble without really being given a good reason other than some others in the CGA leadership like it better. I've tried it and it's ok, but I don't like it better. If it saves CGA money though, I'm all for it.

I'll use whichever voip the folks i'm playing with are using. I do think it's important when you're doing a difficult dungeon or mission or especially pvp that everyone on your team be in voice chat. I've done pvp where 1 or 2 team members refuse to use teamspeak or vent and it's an incredibly frustrating experience. There are times when we want to just tell them they can't join the pvp team, but on the other hand we were never really an elite team and we just do pvp for fun and fellowship and don't want to exclude anyone because they don't have the latest and greatest computer.
I would have to agree with the concerns posted here. The purpose of having a voice system is for clear communication. If Mumble is not achieving that objective, and communication is not clear, then another solution needs to be found (whether fixing Mumble or replacing Mumble).

Mumble, Teamspeak3, and Ventrilo are all tools. Nothing more.

We need a solution that works.