John 6:44

The first glaring thing in my faith that I was wrong about was evolution. I was reading a Chick Tract down in Pensacola. I had gotten the tract from Pete Ruckman's church. I knew little about the Christian faith, the Bible college guys thought it was funny to name a Catholic book, for example, the book of Macabees, and have me search for it during our Bible studies. At any rate, I was looking at this tract and I made a comment on how beautiful it was that God had created us from the ape!!! It was sad how little I knew about the Bible, and the pitiful, lying, heretic training I had in school. I was embarrassed in a high school class when we were asked who King Solomon was, I had no idea. So have I been wrong in my faith? I like to tease you and say never, but the truth is no, I haven't. I think every single step I have earnestly taken to get to know Him has led me closer, closer, and I hope to go closer still. I desire to be like the hart that pants after the waterbrooks, and have hinds feet in high places to boot! If I can stay in God's Word and proclaim and do my best to try to live what I see there, I cannot go wrong. I may have a lack of knowledge, but DV, He is real to me, and all He really asks of us is love...putting Him first and loving Him most, first and foremost, and love for others. When we as Christians ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us, loving isn't difficult at all...then we have fulfilled the greatest Commandment. Wrong in faith? No, no, a thousand times no! Mistaken about a teaching or any more Band-Aids??? I am still learning and growing and as I have said before, I will be for an eternity because of His Love, His Grace, His Mercy resulting in His shed blood paying for my sins before the foundation of the world.
Didasko said:
I questioned whether to let my views be known on this board because of the fact that we have people here who's only real goal is to point out our differences. But I decided not to let anyone keep me from voicing my belief. What we need to do as Christians is show unity in Christ. Even with our different views on some topics, we still hold fast to the knowledge that the only way to salvation is Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rather than let this show our differences, lets use it to show our Unity in Christ.
I was looking at a quotes page tonight and it reiterated what you had said. I love this quote and this man: "On the essentials, unity. On the nonessentials, liberty. In everything, charity." - Dr. Jack Hyles
Sounds like a beautiful plan! Truly I am proud of my brothers and sisters in Christ here, for I think we usually agree to disagree, show love and liberty nicely!
love ya'
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Marcylene said:
I was looking at a quotes page tonight and it reiteriated what you had said. I love this quote and this man: "On the essentials, unity. On the nonessentials, liberty. In everything, charity." - Dr. Jack Hyles
Sounds like a beautiful plan! Truly I am proud of my brothers and sisters in Christ here, for I think we usually agree to disagree, show love and liberty nicely!
love ya'

I like that quote:)
Marcylene said:
The first glaring thing in my faith that I was wrong about was evolution. I was reading a Chick Tract down in Pensacola. I had gotten the tract from Pete Ruckman's church. I knew little about the Christian faith, the Bible college guys thought it was funny to name a Catholic book, for example, the book of Macabees, and have me search for it during our Bible studies. At any rate, I was looking at this tract and I made a comment on how beautiful it was that God had created us from the ape!!! It was sad how little I knew about the Bible, and the pitiful, lying, heretic training I had in school. I was embarrassed in a high school class when we were asked who King Solomon was, I had no idea. So have I been wrong in my faith? I like to tease you and say never, but the truth is no, I haven't. I think every single step I have earnestly taken to get to know Him has led me closer, closer, and I hope to go closer still. I desire to be like the hart that pants after the waterbrooks, and have hinds feet in high places to boot! If I can stay in God's Word and proclaim and do my best to try to live what I see there, I cannot go wrong. I may have a lack of knowledge, but DV, He is real to me, and all He really asks of us is love...putting Him first and loving Him most, first and foremost, and love for others. When we as Christians ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us, loving isn't difficult at all...then we have fulfilled the greatest Commandment. Wrong in faith? No, no, a thousand times no! Mistaken about a teaching or any more Band-Aids??? I am still learning and growing and as I have said before, I will be for an eternity because of His Love, His Grace, His Mercy resulting in His shed blood paying for my sins before the foundation of the world.

Know what I loved about that answer? It was honest and it didn't have a single Bible verse :)

You say that you've never, could never be wrong in your faith. How is that possible when you have said that it's impossible to FULLY understand God? Doesn't that leave you open to the merest possibility that you could be wrong?
Dark Virtue said:
Know what I loved about that answer? It was honest and it didn't have a single Bible verse :)
Please see sig:D Besides, you used to preach it quite harshly that we needed Scripture to back us up, so there you go!

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: I Peter 3:15

You say that you've never, could never be wrong in your faith. How is that possible when you have said that it's impossible to FULLY understand God? Doesn't that leave you open to the merest possibility that you could be wrong?
He leads me and guids me I meant that I am not wrong in having faith in Him. His Word is alive, truly. I could never not believe in Him, that due to faith that really grows!!
Making a big u-turn in the thread.

I have been studying through John 6:25- and have really had my eyes opened to something. Looking back on the preceding verses in John 6, it was interesting to see how Jesus was trying to get the Israelites to look at something beyond their immediate needs. He kept trying to get people to look at their deeper needs beyond hunger.

27 Don't work for the food that perishes but for the food that lasts for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you, because on Him God the Father has set His seal of approval."

As was the case with the Israelites being led to a place where the physical hunger would be satisfied, the Lord will also lead a person to a place where their spiritual needs will be satisfied.
