I am new to this forum. I apologize if I've made any mistakes posting or if this question has been asked somewhere before (I did not find it, although I wasn't really sure how to search for it).
I came across this site when I was looking around to see if there were any good Christian-themed CRPG's around. I am not very good at searches, but I did find this site so figured asking here would be a good place to start, plus it seems like it may be a good way to interact with other Christians gamers (some posts I looked at have been exactly the type of things I've been thinking about myself).
Anyway, first question: Should I post my questions somewhere else (new thread or something) or is this ok here?
Next: I have played a lot of really great CRPG games, but got curious about if there's any specifically Christian-themed ones existing. I play on a PC and enjoy older games (been playing CRPG's since the 80's). I can't think of a reason why someone couldn't take the basics of what make good CRPG's fun (story, adventure, character building, strategy, etc.) but tell a story that is based on Christianity (done properly tastefully/respectfully, of course). I'm asking with regards to single-player (or possibly LAN multiplayer); never really got into MMORPG's.
What about Mod's for games like Neverwinter Nights, FRUA, etc.? I haven't found any in my searches so far (except one possibility for NwN).
Also, I've played a few games where there's some semi-questionable stuff. Are there any mods out there to clean this stuff up? There are some otherwise great games where I know I'd enjoy them more if the things that made me a little uncomfortable were altered or removed. I'd be surprised if someone hadn't created a site somewhere that has a list of games with mods to fix these. But I'm terrible at searches and haven't been able to find anything.
Any information would be greatly appreciated
Welcome to our forums ag87