If you were a hot dog

If you were a hot dog - would you eat yourself?

  • Yes, I'd be delicious

    Votes: 65 91.5%
  • No, don't you know what I'm made of?!?

    Votes: 6 8.5%

  • Total voters
hmmm... if my dog ate a hotdog would she be considerd a cannible??
lol, no, but if a pig did then the pig would be considered a cannible
I think that if I were a hot dog and ate somebody else instead of me, THEN I'd be a cannibal...but I don't know if a pig eating one would be considered cannibalism since after all the processing I don't think a hot dog could be considered pig anymore...
cant it roll?? ok so i rehprase the question: why did the hotdog roll across the road?
hmmm but what bout the curp how could the hotdog go up a curb?
hmmmm but still that hotdog would have to be traviling pretty fast to get up the curb.
I would have to say (possibly quite hypocritically) that this thread has turned into complete randomness. I mean, if I were drinking milk while reading this, I would probably shoot milk out of my nose laughing at the sheer oddity that is this thread.

And just as a side note, I tried cheese on my hot dog yesterday, and it was really good...so now I digress my earlier opinion.
wait wat if there was a ramp made of chili?