Active Member
entire ssc/tk except vashj and kaelthas should be expected to be downed without an explanation prior to the attempt simply because every person in the raid should already know exactly what the boss does without even seeing what the boss actually looks like in game.
I disagree here. Every fight, no matter the difficulty needs to be explained in full detail, unless the boss is on farm (Karazhan for example... no bosses in there deserve an explanation, and when we stop to explain.. it irks me a little bit.) The explanation time is crucial because thats when people ask questions and get fine details hammered out.
This is usually how I see new boss fights in a common progression guild.
Step 1: Raid Leader (RL) explains fight to raiders who already know the general gist of the boss.
Step 2: Raiders ask questions to hammer out fine details.
Step 3: First attempt is made, expectations of downing the boss are absurd simply because this is a time to put what you've learned into action.
Step 4: Second attempt is made, expectations of downing boss are higher, but still irrational.
Step 5: In attempts, 3 and on, raiders should now know what to do and where/when to do what their class needs to do, so expectations of downing the boss are now reasonable.
It would be dumb not to explain boss fights simply because not all raiders are psychic.