I am frustrated.

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My wife has a 54 Pally that she is working on, and she loves to heal. I have a 40 warrior and a 37 priest, and I enjoy tanking and healing. Of course I have Ortheas and a 56 rogue if you ever need DPS.
i know this post is not suppost to be pointed at teh healers but i fell like im being pointed at here. i would much rather be playing brugalin then my friends lock but i dont have many other options at this point. i MISS healing a raid really bad right now and am sad that you guys need more solid healers to be on and ready but pointing fingers at certain people does not help solve the problem.

im trying my hardest to scrap together money to get a 30$ game card so i can hang with you guys again but its not looking like i will get there for a few weeks or so if i have to dog sit again this weekend.

ave, i understand your fustration here , healers are like the backbone of a raid or group , without then we cant stand up properly. what people need to understand is that raiding is not about getting phat loot or completeing a set of gear , its for having fun and moving along to new places as we grow .gear is important , it shows how good we are as some people say but ive seen so many people geared well who cant play there class ,so in this case , is gear more important then skill of a person?

think ill end my rant here , and like qman said , its just a slump right now , we will get over it and continue up teh ladder of success , i have full faith in redeemed.
Just a suggestion...and one I posted for the officers to ponder over as well a bit back. Perhaps, with the lack of healers\tanks and even just having people to run a 25 man or successful ten man raids, its time to look at forming a coalition with another guild? We did this in the past fairly successfully with Holikron Knights (though the tables were turned and they were bringing a handful of us) as well as creating TeamEternity to have Sanctification and Redeemed raid together. This could alleviate those pesky "don't have enough" situations as well as produce a reaching out of sorts. Grab a smaller guild looking to raid and help them along... There is a lot of work that goes into this though, so be forewarned that everyone has to chip in and be prepared to share some raid time with others. DKP, deciding how to balance teams, loot distribution, dealing with people who are non-christians, etc. There is a huge responsibility on our behalf as well to not only provide our fair share of things, but also to be a witness. But it is something to be thinking about.
Ok So i am reading all the posts about frustrations and the lack of players and here is what i am getting from all of this. (now i know that the next time i log on i may not be in the guild but here it goes)

The complaint about people saying that they want X loot from Y boss in Z instance is directly related to the mindset that i have heard plenty of times that " you cant do this instance because you have greens" kill that mentality then you may just kill the thing that you are frustrated with. As for not having enough healers/tanks maybe it should be that you do not have enough healers/tanks that are apart of the "In crowd". This has been a problem in the past and it appears to be happening again.

Me personally I "had" alot of greens but thanks to the help of Goblit, Tree, and you Aves, and a whole lot of other people I replaced many of them. I still have two (my Trinkets) and I dont have all epics but what i do have is the willingness to help you all out when you are short healers, tanks when you all need Mirakle. As for doing heroics for badges or gear. I have never turned down an opportunity, but at the same time very few have come up when I am on either. Many times there are not enough people to do Kara and Gruuls (for those trying to meet peoples gear expectations) because the progression team is just that trying to progress. Progression can become a hinderance when it leaves the rest of the guild in the dust, and the remaining progression team scrambling for players when people leave or can't commit.

I too share the hopes of seeing the black temple, but for now I would be happy just seeing Gruuls ( seeing how I have only been there once.)

Please don't get me wrong I love this guild! This is actually the first MMORPG (I think that is waht it called) game I have ever played and to be able to do it with fellow christians is awesome. Well enough out of me. maybe I will se you all on later if I havent been booted;)
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WOW, Cory, I like it when you cut to the bone, I am so Sorry, I moved Papatoad as I did not think I would be Playing here, now I wish I hadn't. But such was the way things went after my heart attack in September.

I wish I would have known, So much has changed for me personally in the last 2-3 years. But I have two accounts; I do have a 58 Pally on the server I could easily grind to 70 with the appropriate gear.

So I would be willing to come back and crank out what you need. (Though a Chica druid is interesting) what’s that take 20 days to hit 70 so figure 12-18 hours a week. Sits me pretty by Feb. Does nothing to help you know but, we’ll see what I can pull off. Not to count vacation days and holidays!.

Like the old saying goes be where you wanna be to do what you want to do.

It’s a hard balance always

But I would be willing to crank out a toon with Redeemed again and Raid. Tell me what we need , if its Tanks and healers, I’ll crank out a druid or see how viable a Pally is.

If its healers, Goodness, I’ll crank out a priest, I liked being resto. If its tanks, well there is a Pally or even a Warrior I could crank, I have the time.

Let me know.

I’ll make a tank thread for pally questions.
after the last couple days ive been thinking alot about raiding.
ive seen ALOT of frustration in the guild with friends of mine and ppl ive talked to. most of its from ppl that have been working there bootis off getting gear chants all that jazz and then get pushed out of raid and someone with not so great gear goes to a progression run.
i really think this could be fixed. If we could maybe have a way to start training raid leaders.... if we could have a couple more ppl being able to start a kara run or something of the sort to help those new 70s then hey they wouldnt be that badly geared. cause sometimes we have the ppl but no leader or one thats waiting for to start a progression.

also since im on this subject i had an idea. we could have class leaders. they would be the go to guys to talk to about the class. that way the ppl that just got 70 dont have to bug everyone till they find out what pots to get for a raid or what spec or gems they should have but talk to that person. that way if u have a question about your class u just talk to them... its just an idea i was thinking of.

Also id like to mention that we need to remember that its just a game. we need to remember to joke around and to have fun with what we do! we need to have those fun events to get rid of the burnt out i dont wanna even look at that raid. but i think we should have them like every other week or once a month have a pvp day or a hey lets go pwn up bwl or ony or any of those old world raids that u love so much!
Good points...and guess what me and Illyria talk about these "problems" every night before we go to bed. Sad isn't it? These "problems" are the driving forces that made me leave Redeemed. Honestly I would very much like to raid with you guys but when a guild is going no where I don't feel like forking out $15 and just to sit there.
I believe that Illyria still remain on the server is because that most of our friends are still playing on the server.
Well, I reread all that I wrote at 3am, I think I need to reiterte.

1. Frustation at not moving forward
2. Frustrated that it rests on a few people to pull or push the masses
3. Everybody needs to step up to the plate and pull their weight
4. Frustrated that certain classes are under represented
5. Frustrated that as an underrepresented class, my time seems to be spent doing what "you" (generic you) want\need and with complete disregard to what I want\need.
6. Frustrated that focus is often off in the future and not on the here and now.

I don't want this to be amout me, or you. Rather, as a kick in the behind and wake up guys. If you want to move forward, then lets do what it takes.
Well, I reread all that I wrote at 3am, I think I need to reiterte.

1. Frustation at not moving forward
2. Frustrated that it rests on a few people to pull or push the masses
3. Everybody needs to step up to the plate and pull their weight
4. Frustrated that certain classes are under represented
5. Frustrated that as an underrepresented class, my time seems to be spent doing what "you" (generic you) want\need and with complete disregard to what I want\need.
6. Frustrated that focus is often off in the future and not on the here and now.

I don't want this to be amout me, or you. Rather, as a kick in the behind and wake up guys. If you want to move forward, then lets do what it takes.

On this I agree :)

The here and now is more imortant than next day week or month.

I personally will try to spend more time Playing Jad (healer) than Mirakle (tank) to help pick up more of the slack for our healer shortage. If i am ever on and anyone needs a healer just drop me a tell and I will try to be there.:)
entire ssc/tk except vashj and kaelthas should be expected to be downed without an explanation prior to the attempt simply because every person in the raid should already know exactly what the boss does without even seeing what the boss actually looks like in game.

PvE is just that simple, no-brainer clicks at the correct time which is told to you in the middle of your screen with a boss mod, the rest is simply a gear check.

knowing your class and your gear is required if you want to play WoW, not if you want to raid, so that shouldnt even be mentioned here. telling us you want this/that doesnt help, look up where is your upgrade for you does. I know every single piece of gear upgrade in the game before i was even attuned to karazhan, and i refused to raid when i was simply not geared for it. in my healing set i have over 1500 healing and 146mp/5 with only 1 piece from karazhan, if i can do it, then you can do it.

imo if you want someone to gear you up by carrying you through a raid, that is selfish, not as much for healers, but for a tank, when i die, the raid wipes, it's just something I cannot afford to bring it to the rest of the raid.

Lurker and void reaver are fights called "idiot check", im sorry if that sounds rude, but it is a fact. we should be downing these bosses on a weekly basis using less than a hour for each.

what i see as problems:
1. people don't care about the raid content, but they want to raid(expect others to carry them for the loot).
2. too much downtime; I see TOO many people between trash pulls just stand there doing nothing, then complain about oom when the next trash pull starts, if you are a warlock, life tap, standing there and wait for your mana to regenerate is not an option, this becomes a huge problem in ZA since fights are timed.
3. you don't even know your class. your shot rotations, what's the max dps shot rotation? how do you value hit rating vs crit vs dmg? how do you convert mana/5 into healing? examples: 21/40 ds/sf warlocks need 202 hit rating 30% crit 1k shadow dmg in order to be effective, what's your magic number, do you know? this comes in as a greater problem when it comes to lurker adds. EVERY single class has some utilities to save yourself from dying to an elite mob that hits hard, but do you know how to use it? I can tell you to put pet stay then MD the guardian to the pet thats far away from you will shake the guardian off of you long enough for a cc/tank, but the highest lvl hunter i have is lvl 14, knowledge about your class? more like common sense there. if you don't know something, ask and learn.
I wish I could study boss strats and search for gear upgrades all day instead of going to work and trying to raise a family
I wish I could study boss strats and search for gear upgrades all day instead of going to work and trying to raise a family

Now that's a bad way to look at it and then everyone will say oh I dont have time for this and that; What reading boss strategies? 5mins? Upgrades? should come natural to your class right? I mean you play the class you must know what gear you want; whats a upgrade and whats not. I mean if you dont want to spent like 5 mins of your time to read up on things then frankly you dont deserve to raid. (Not directing this at you Where)
like 5 mins

Agreed on the time amount...not on the tone. Looking at it from a different angle, spending 5-10 min to read up on them (let's be safe and say 10) while you're eating some snacks or dinner before the raid...once or once a week, over the span of X attempts, saves 1.) a lot of time on wipes 2.) that amount of time * N number of players that have to come in to the raid for whatever reason (substitutions or what have you) and having to explain it to everyone again.

Judging from the past, our explanations are at a minimum of 10-15 minutes (I've certainly seen them run much longer). Studying up on them has the advantage of there not being any miscommunication on boss abilities, or when/how to react to them, plus the opportunity to review them on your own time. You don't have that opportunity really during the span of a pre-boss explanation to do it.

In reality, the only thing that should have to be discussed for 25 man bosses are assignments to roles and deviations from common strategies. Perhaps we should pick particular videos / strategies and point people to them as review guides to make it simpler.

There's only so far we can go without putting in that bit of time...and we will certainly not be seeing BT if people don't (KT is a very busy fight for example). There are a number of fights that are simply too complex and you need to know what's going on, not only to know what you need to do, but to know how to recover if someone dies or there's an error.

Again, if we want to progress - everyone needs to put the effort in in terms of coming to raids prepared with materials and understanding of what's going to happen. We've gotten most of the easy 25 mans down...we need to step it up a notch to start getting the tough ones.
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