How to deal with islam?


New Member
A major problem today is islam, as far as I am concerned it is anti-Christian.

their views are so twisted, I often find myself about ready to fall on my face and laugh.

muslims in general are very passionate about their religion, they generally have an excuse for everything you throw at them...

so how do we deal with them?

Approved with caution. Do not turn this into an Islam is evil sort of thing. I expect to see views backed up scripturally and/or Logically. Thank you.
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To the mod who edited Vibrokatana's post: Islam is evil. It is a religion that it not Christianity, erego, it is evil.

Anyhoo, the first thing to do is to understand what exactly Islam teaches. Are the so-called 'extremist' really extreme? Or are they just people who are correctly following the teachings of the Koran?
Only once we understand what they believe, can we 'deal with them' or refute them.
To the mod who edited Vibrokatana's post: Islam is evil. It is a religion that it not Christianity, erego, it is evil.

Anyhoo, the first thing to do is to understand what exactly Islam teaches. Are the so-called 'extremist' really extreme? Or are they just people who are correctly following the teachings of the Koran?
Only once we understand what they believe, can we 'deal with them' or refute them.

Can you back up your claim as to why its evil??? Almost all of its preaching exists in the Bible...Its the people who take words literally from the books. Plus these guys are brainwashed in those extremist madrasa's or whatever its called.
okay everyone. Let me put a hold on this conversation as it has already started down a slippery slope. If this conversation degenerates any further, those who make such posts will be banned for a week. Consider this the warning.

Regardless of the religion, we (as Christians) have several marching orders.

1. Wise as serpents, gentle as doves
2. Show love
3. Be angry and sin not
4. Share God's message (hint, it is not one of condemnation)
5. Do not judge

These are the only ones that I could think of right now and they are listed in no specific order. So, with the guidelines posted about, how would you address the issue at hand.


p.s. Keep in mind, I came from wicca and while I now recognize what it is, if anyone had called it evil while I was still wiccan, that person would have pushed me farther away from Christ.
OK. I agree with Genesis.

AS I stated before in the edit. The reasons for or against Islam need to be backed up Biblically and Logically. Just throwing opinions around is not the way to go. . . Unless you wish to anger me and get Pied. :p I'm kidding.

Seriously. Just throwing accusations out about Islam is wrong. Back them up. Like, where exactly did Islam come from? Who are the Muslims decendents from? (Hint: Look through the book of Genesis, You will find the answer.)
Answer the background questions before addressing the question of what is going on today.
p.s. Keep in mind, I came from wicca and while I now recognize what it is, if anyone had called it evil while I was still wiccan, that person would have pushed me farther away from Christ.
whoa i need to hear how you learned the truth that should be a good story :D
i like stories about how people were turned to Christ :)
A major problem today is Islam, as far as I am concerned it is anti-Christian.

Their views are so twisted, I often find myself about ready to fall on my face and laugh.

Muslims in general are very passionate about their religion; they generally have an excuse for everything you throw at them...

so how do we deal with them?

Approved with caution. Do not turn this into an Islam is evil sort of thing. I expect to see views backed up scripturally and/or Logically. Thank you.

Here is a wonderful way to start
Luke 10:27 (New International Version)
27He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'[a]; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

And understand them, As a Christian you are told to Hate sin by Love the sinner. There are conservative Muslims who want Peace, who believe in a Koran that teaches peace, and equality of the sexes. Too group them all into extremist who would do the terrible things that happened on September 11th is bigoted and wrong.

Just like anyone looking at Christian in the light of the recent events in Utah, or what happened in Waco, TX or Jonestown. Christianity to has be used as a means of ILL, and I am sure there are those out there who remember every scandal, every murder every stream of hate. But yet they could not tell you how many children had warm winters due to Christian charity, how many homes and lives were saved because of Christian out reaches. As I could not tell you how many Muslim organization do the same. Please be kind

People, CHRISTAINS WHO BELIEVE THE MUSLIM PEOPLE ARE EVIL only see the vile and you have been poisoned against a full people (Meaning anyone who believes all these people are evil) This is no different thinking than a dozen madmen have over the course of history. (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, etc.) I can not express how sad that makes me that we still have that poison being spread about any group of people regardless of belief.

This was the greatest law
Luke 10:27.
The Lord Christ himself spoke it, TOLD YOU IT! Reinforced throughout the Gospels. It should be the Forefront of Christian belief, And its that kind of Wording, thought processes that promotes hate and seperation, Your King did not Come here and call you all evil. He did not say as he rolled in to town after town, “What do we do with these blasted Jews and Gentiles? No I do not believe he did.

And whether you’re Christian or not, The law of hospitality has not changed in 5 thousand years.

The Gold rule, treat others as you want to be treated.

Or to push the Point home,

How do we deal with Muslims Conservative and Radical as Christians:

Luke 10:27 (New International Version)
27He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'[a]; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

It is the greatest commandment your Lord God gave you.

Please follow it through.

I think we can all agree thats a good way to Start the whole process!
Well i'll tell you what. My pastor was talking about this experience he had. He was in the mall one day, looking around the Sony store. One of the men who worked there was Islamic. The man asked his boss for a 5 minute prayer break and he walked out of the booth, turned east, got on his knees, and began praying. Now the lesson this teaches is important! Ask yourself this question. How many of US would do that? How many of US would publically pray without caring what other people think? Perhaps that is why people prefer the Islamic religion. It is strong, and powerful, and they don't take crap from anyone.

This is a positive comment! Many can learn from the amazing faith of an Islamic person. Whether it's right or wrong, it is truly inspiring.
Who is to define how we pray?

I often pray in public places, it is part of our natural walk with God. Yet the people around me probably do not know this.

It is almost comparable to the pharacees, I know this is a touchy subject, but it means nothing unless you are walking with God.
A major problem today is islam, as far as I am concerned it is anti-Christian.

Before I go any farther with this point, please explain what makes it "anti" Christian?

their views are so twisted, I often find myself about ready to fall on my face and laugh.

That's a nice attitude. Don't you think there are quite a few things that non-Christians could say the same about Christianity?

muslims in general are very passionate about their religion, they generally have an excuse for everything you throw at them...


The same could be said about YOU and YOUR religion.

so how do we deal with them?

Interesting. I think I'll take notes.

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Ponder that quote.
Like, where exactly did Islam come from? Who are the Muslims decendents from?

I know! I know!

*Stands up proudly like a little kid who just became potty trained*

ISHMAEL! Abraham's and Hagar's son! If you don't remember the story, I'll try to summarize it the best I can. Be warned, I have a terrible memory.

Abraham and Sara were trying to have a child. The time passed for the typical child-bearing years and none were birthed. Abraham prayed and God told him to have faith.

Well, Sara told Abraham to sleep with her servant, Hagar, so they would have a child. He did (not trusting God) and she birthed Ishmael, who then birthed the Islamic religion (after a few generations... wasn't he Muhammeds great great great great great grandfather?). After a brief time, Abraham and Sara gave birth to Isacc.
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Very good tjguitarz!

Now that we know WHERE Islam started. Can you explain Why it is so "anti Christian"? (THis is for everyone, not just you tjguitarz :) )
Very good tjguitarz!

Now that we know WHERE Islam started. Can you explain Why it is so "anti Christian"? (THis is for everyone, not just you tjguitarz :) )

ummm...they believe that Ishamael has the legimate birthright (he was first born), and it was "stolen" by Isaac.

Hence, Isaac=Christian/Jew & Ishmael=Islam, Christian and Jews are thiefs in their eyes.

yes? no?
Crusades? I have learned how bad the name Christain has been burned into their minds and not to stand in association with the past I have chosen to say that I am a follower of the Christ whom is honored and respected within islam even tho the name Christain fits it needs elaboration in their eyes.To reach those in a place that has no future is with LOVE as told.... think mustard seed just a tiny mustard seed>>>
Can't remember the exact verse or book, but something like...

I believe you're referring to Matthew 12:30.

Unfortunately, that little tidbit, when taken out of context, is a logical fallacy. Specifically one known as a "false dilemma".

A false dilemma, "involves a situation in which two alternative points of view are held to be the only options, when in reality there exist one or more other options which have not been considered. The two alternatives presented are often, though not always, the two extreme points on some spectrum. Instead of such extreme simplification and wishful thinking, considering the whole spectrum, as in fuzzy logic, may be more appropriate."

I am a perfect example of one who is neither for, nor against Christianity, Christians, Jesus or God.

That's like saying I'm against leprechauns or unicorns. Sure, they might exist, but I don't have enough evidence either way to claim factuality. Therefore, it would be intellectually dishonest of me to be for or against, something I don't even believe exists.