HELP in GAME at Thunder Head Keep

A Servant

New Member
TIME FRIDAY NIGHT @ 6:00pm CALI TIME does this work for everyone?
2 groups of 4 one for east and west gates
Need experienced guildies
did this 5 times with PUGs always had like 3 noobs no offense to noobs. My wife is one.
I am doing this to get a skill cap at abadoon called fevered dreams.

i m about right here :( :mad: :confused: on the smiley scale
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I'm willing to help. I can fill the MM spot, monk, warrior or ranger. I will bring whatever is needed. I just can't stay up past 10 pm est on weeknights except this thursday and fridays.
Before I learned of the torch tank trick, which has now been removed/nerfed, I found the best strategy was to camp the king rather than split up. If the entire party of 8 stays at the king and fights there, you will have the most concentrated firepower, although you will be taking a slightly greater sum total assault. Using the "Camp the King" strategy, I was able to beat the mission using 2 of my characters with only henchmen in my party. That being said, it took a couple tries too. Best bet for a successful run is a guild group.

If you could add a date/time, I'll see if I can join you. If we don't talk to the king right away at the end, we can go explore outside of the keep as well and uncover a little more Tyrian map. I think my necro (SS echo, degen or other build) still needs a little bit of the map out there, so I'd like to go.
I guess it's time for everyone to dust off their characters that are still stuck at THK. My ranger is still there and I'd like to get him past it.

The only successful times I've done this is with the 'Camp the King' strategy that DZwart mentioned. The single hardest part is when the Monk boss comes. It is essential IMO to have a nuker with meteor shower when the Monk boss shows up.
I can help, depending on when it is. But it would have to be Maid Mirawyn, my mesmer. Alternately, Paul may be able to help with Axe (W/whatever). But they're on the same account, so it's one or the other.
I would be willing to help with any of my characters who have all finished this mission (Monk, Ranger, Warrior). But depending on the date you do this i might or might not be on. Usually on 9:00 central time, best days are all but tues.
A Servant said:
TIME FRIDAY NIGHT @ 6:00pm CALI TIME does this work for everyone?
2 groups of 4 one for east and west gates

I have done this mission with 4 different characters. The majority of the groups were PUGs and we divided into 2 group to defend each side. When i came to the Guild someone needed this mission and we camped at the king, Camping at the king makes it so much easier and i would suggest doing this rather than spliting up the group. Just a suggestion.

P.S.: I live in Missiouri and have no clue what the time change is i think its 2 hrs but not sure.:o
Anyone know what time 6:00pm would be in midwest? :confused: :confused:
Hopefully I will be able to help you guys out tonite. I vote for camping the king as well. Thats 9PM EST right?
I suppose we can push PvP out to 11pm since many of the participants are talking about going on this THK run, if you keep it at 9 though, I will still be working on getting the kids through the bedtime routine.
i can bring my healer, make sure to pop in ts and spam for me to come help as i may be in another game. my other cristian clan, christiancs added a rpgmod to one of their servers, its utterly addicting :(