HELP in GAME at Thunder Head Keep

It looks pretty definite for Paul and I to be home. If I play, I can bring Maid Mirawyn. If Paul plays, he can bring Axe Me No Questions...

...who, as I'm sure you can guess, is a warrior.

I could probably cap Aura of Faith, if I bring Mirawyn
ChickenSoup said:
Where are the ANet ninja assassins when you need them?
The assasins starved to death because no one wanted them in their party, and they were to weak to kill on their own, so they starved.
I heard that they were successful. Halonic said it was surprisingly easy and they got the bonus as well!

I have a Ranger there and my Warrior will be there after Iron Mines. Hopefully we can get another group together soon.
Cool, I would like to get the bonus for THK with LCA as well as defog the map there so I can get my grandmaster cartographer title!
I'm still up for doing it sometime. I'm looking to defog the map outside the keep as well. Means beating the onslaught, but not talking to the king until after we explore outside completely. I did manage this with one of my other characters before. I think I also need the bonus with one or 2 characters too.
Love too! If that is around 9-10 PM EST Tues 6/13 I should be able to make that.

A time zone calculator on the website would be awesome. Something that told you the time in all the different zones or something :D
I need the bonus for theis if anybody is interested I will be on this evening till probably late. just ask and we can try to get a group togather.

Rho Mangelon