HELP in GAME at Thunder Head Keep

Hey wednesday night I could probably help, possibly sometime after 9ish EST. I'll be online just in case we are doing it, and my brother, Mathias the Fighter can do it too, he's a really good nuker, and I can trap and interrupt
Looks like 9:00 EST is the time tonight for THK. Will be waiting on the lovely Maid to get home from church. Anyone and everyone looking for skills, map points, or just a fun challenge is welcome.

I'd just like to thank everyone who did THK with us last night. Although we were unsuccessful at fully defogging the map or completing the bonus, we did have a lot of fun and we did get some of the obscure parts of the map explored.

For the next time we decide to go exploring in THK, I found this on Guildwiki.

Strategy C
This strategy begins similarly to strategy B. The party initiates the bonus by lighting the torches, then defends near the king's throne. However, after the initial several waves of attacks, there is a break in the battle. At this point, the entire party heads outside of the gates and proceeds north, ensuring that no creatures were already enroute to the keep from either the east or the west. While heading north, you can safely ignore any Murssat and Jade that are in the Dwarven villages, if any. They are related to the bonus, and if the bonus had been taken they would have been part of one of the first few waves to attack the fort.

All enemies that attack from this point onward spawn in an area to the north of the keep, near the portal that later transports everyone to Ember Light Camp. To reach the keep from the spawn point, all enemies must pass a narrow choke point. The party can station themselves at the choke point, and eliminate all attackers without risking the King engaging any of them. Dorian's party also spawns at this location, and can be eliminated in the same way.

Note: Just below the choke point are two parties of Jade. These can optionally be ignored, or destroy them during breaks in the spawns so that risk of accidentally aggroing them is eliminated.

Note: the portal only works in the cut-scene, walking through it prior to completing the Thunderhead Keep mission will have no effect.
Great find and thanks again for another fun night with some great guildies. Anyone for next Tuesday?


I will try my best...I have the nuker...
I'll bring my son if we are able. He can be Warrior or Monk.
(I hate planning that far ahead, so if I don't make it sorry. But the two of us will try! I have a wife and 6 kids)

~and the Lord said be fruitful and multiply...guess what?
I did...:D
I have a suggestion. When we failed the last time it was because the king died. When Dagnar Stonepate is alone...all other baddies dead at that point, THEN is the time to explore the map.

Unless they have fixed it, a bug allowed you to walk right through the closed East (think it was east) door and go outside. Do all of your map exploring at that point....then go back in and kill Dagnar then camp the king.

I haven't tried that in a long time so it may have been fixed but its worth a try.
Ooh, I hope the door does let you out. It would be so much better to get the exploration goal taken care of right away (at least for the sake of getting exploration title). It might also allow us to kill off a couple mobs that might move in during the onslaught.

Also, if you want the bonus, the beacon must be lit right away, I tried it once after the onslaught, but didn't get the bonus. I just noticed last night that Loew does need this bonus as well as the exploration of the area outside of the keep.
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I am definately good to go for Tuesday Night THK.

I say we try Halonic's bugged door strategy first, and if that fails, we can still try Strategy C from Guildwiki at that point.
Be sure to announce it in guild chat if you have any spots or need anyone. I don't know if I'll be able to be on, but if I am, I would love to join up.
I hope to on about 9:15 tonight, so if you haven't left, I can come with a SS echo, Battery or possibly a MM.