It's awesome to get to know all of you! I've only read the first page so far but I plan on going through every post to see who everyone is
Name: Stephen
Age: 24
Position: Member of LoE
Main character: Charr Engineer - Cairn Bloodpaw
Playstyle: PvAnything. I have generally been more of a PvE oriented player in previous MMOs but that style has led me to giving more of my time to gaming than I should, so I'm excited to hook up with brothers and sisters in great PvP battles in Gw2 as time permits!

Occupation: Senior Teller at Austin Telco Federal Credit Union
Location: Austin, Texas
Other: I love the Lord, plain and simple. Every day I'm working toward a simpler devotion of all of myself to him; I've been a wretched human for a long time and his grace is overwhelming when I consider that. I've been married for two years to an amazing gift from the Lord who will also soon become a member of LoE, and who I met during a dark period of my life several years ago while playing World of Warcraft. I've only been a professing Christian for a few years, and it's only in the past year or so that I've truly begun to follow Christ in the way that he set out for me to do so in his word--with all of myself, growing daily in submissive love and joy and becoming more thankful for his discipline as a Father! I love the outdoors, and have a blast whenever my wife and I have a chance to go spend a day soaking in the detail of the Lord's creation! Singing, dancing, reading, writing; it's all gravy! If you want to get me going in a conversation good subjects are Creation, Photography, Scripture, Marriage (we have a special place in our hearts to see healthy marriages within the body), Hiking/Biking/Anything involving the outdoors, and much more.
Oh, and I'm long-winded. But don't worry; I'm working on it!