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yes i have written a few things (not great may i add) but i am taking some classes in High School
N.P. thinks that school High School should be optional
Suprisingly I learned a great deal in High School.

Though I do think they need to gear it toward the interests of the students. To develop talents instead of meeting requirements.

Next person likes being open minded and creative.
definately...i love letting the 'creative juices flow'

next person will think about creating something in the gimp or chaoscope after reading this...
true...we have been rained on by Ernesto....

the next person likes rain

Mostly....not like Rita or Katrina rain...rain though makes for good afternoon naps, which my boss doesn't appreciate...hehe

Next person doesn't like cold weather...really cold weather.
I like cold weather actually, expecially when it get so cold it feels like its burning. Why? because tag is so much more interesting on ice.

next person has fallen backwards in skiis
yup, instead I will be spending time with my ol friends.

Next person thinks MM should post a picture of herself in her costume.
Yes, if you consider the N64 old.

Actually, I do have an Intellevision somewhere in the storage room.

Next person doesn't know what Intellevision is.