Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

Wrong. I'll probably be there with ya. :D

Next person has more than one piece of jewelry or other accessory on. (i.e. wristbands, watch, etc; Earrings count as one :p)
nope, i never wear objects because my skin is ascedic.
I have killed 5 necklaces so far :(

next person thinks me and thrawn should go to dragoncon 07
yup...i'm thinking about going this year if i can figure out what it is...:)

next person is wasting time.


I've wasted way too much time today, need to get to work!

Here's more info on Dragoncon:

"Dragon*Con is America's largest, multi-media, popular arts convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.

Dragon*Con is September 1-4 in Atlanta, GA"

The next person STILL doesn't realize that Georgia is the best state of all. :D

true true true...however, it is good to have a day to celebrate 'us'.....

the next person likes bubble gum flavored ice cream.
definately right - i totally like cookie dough - raw cookie dough - cookie dough ice cream ---- mmmmm....I am wanting some ice cream now....

next person will post after eating dinner.
YES!!!!!!! well, like algebra.
N.P. knows why math has letters in it
since when did math get letters!?!