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Next Person thinks I do nothing but PvP.

BTW it is totally wrong I pvE more than you all know :P
i get tired of PvP, of course, i get tired of PvE, but that's because no one's ever on when i'm on... i guess that's what i get for attempting to have a life....

n.p. wants some pizza.
pizza sounds good

the next person thinks wow has either better pvp or pve
Incorrect. I don't know anything about WoW.

The next person loves oatmeal*!!!

*But only when cooked with milk instead of water and mixed with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and allspice with some brown sugar and fruit, like bananas, strawberries, or blueberries cooked in. Peanutbutter and/or Chocolate is also delicious!
Well when you add all that stuff, I suppose it's all right. Never was a fan of it, though.

Next person thinks I'm crazy and will proceed to force-feeding me eight gallons of oatmeal
only apple cinamon oatmeal

the next person has a stock keyboard
Yep! A big house to make into AN INDOOR PAINTBALL COURSE!!! :D :D :D

Next person thinks that it's a good idea (urban environment paintball FTW?)
baron squirll:actually any property investment but i dont have a job or money to do so and i dont think i can before college >_<

C$: heck yes, cept i dont paintball

the next person owns a house
What type of paint? I don't mess with oils, because they're messy. And the solvents STINK. Acrylics are fine, and watercolors are, too. I love metallic gouache, though. I'm an addict.

Next person has never used metallic gouache. :)
Have one, well, my family does, but it kinda sucks, and I'd like a better one. One that you don't have to wait five minutes to take a picture, and another minute between each one...

Next person thinks this thread is too long. :p
Nope. Just got a new one for my birthday in June. (On a side note: thanks again, honey. :))

Edit: Oops. Posted at the same time as Thrawn. No, this thread ISN'T too long!

Next person thinks they need more games.
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