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no, vibro is to kool to be a ninja, hes a pirate

the next person has at least 1 golf club in their car
Probably. He also likes ele tanking a little too much.

Next person thinks the Israel/Hezbollah cease-fire won't last as long as the war.
Well, I wouldn't say "no matter what." I would hope that if Israel actually did something wrong we would call them on it.

Next person has too many projects going on. I sure do.
wrong Paintball/Skateboard/Bike Shop owner!

Next Person has posted more than 20 times in this thread!
I've got 18 including this one... so close
the next person will ask a rehtorical question
How much would could a wood chuck BURNINATE?!?! if t3h w00d chuck was friends with Trogdor?

yeah, so, correct. I think.

Next person isn't sure what the heck Trogdor is (the poor guy)
Trogdor was a man... or a DRAGON man.... or mabey he was just a DRAGON!!

ya i know who trogdor is.

the next person thinks C$ and I are insane, and doesnt know who TROGDOR is! :eek:
i know who trogdor is...... and yes C$ is insane.

the next person loves their mp3 player

My wife and I have four cats actually, three boys and one girl, all just over a year old. They have been responsible for more than one abrupt ending to a Guild Wars session. I love 'em inspite of it all.

The next person likes pineapple on pizza.