Geek guys pwn jocks!

MaidMirawyn said:
Oh, and for you single guys:
There are lots of nice, single, geeky Christian ladies at Fans for Christ!

What kinda reason is that, that should I go there for? I am almost offended at that comment! Like I have to meet a woman on line and I can't in real life.:mad:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
one2dredd said:
What kinda reason is that, that should I go there for? I am almost offended at that comment! Like I have to meet a woman on line and I can't in real life.
Nah. It just widens the pool of potential applicants.

Plus it's good practice! ;)
astrod00d said:
I used to visit FFC daily but stopped after a while because I felt out of the loop on a lot of things. I guess we just didn't have enough in common. Partially at fault is that cos-play and goth isn't my thing. I'm not knocking cos-play and goth, they just hold no interest to me.
Well, I mainly hang out in The Ubiquitous General Forum. And the Prayer Requests. I like it there. The young ones are fun, and I'm going to meet a bunch of them at Dragon*Con...
MaidMirawyn said:
Well, I mainly hang out in The Ubiquitous General Forum. And the Prayer Requests. I like it there. The young ones are fun, and I'm going to meet a bunch of them at Dragon*Con...

:( Wish I was going. Maybe next year. :(
So my first post should be for these Ladies put in their Apps to meet me?
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one2dredd said:
So my first post should be for these Ladies put in their Apps to meet me?

Lol, try the n00bie thread first. :p

But, sure, go for it, rofl. And be sure to put that Mirawyn sent you. :D
The newest registered user is one2dredd
one2dredd said:
So my first post should be for these Ladies put in their Apps to meet me?
Uh, probably not. Maybe you should read this first:

Guide to Geek Girls

Geek girls are not attracted to neanderthals. In fact, surviving out there amongst the net.tomcats, they have developed rather finely-honed defenses. Therefore, an email saying, "Me Tarzan, you Jane," will most likely be met with a spout of flame the likes of which you have probably never seen before, and if you can't get into your asbestos suit fast enough, it's not our fault.

But do post in the newbie thread. It's the intro place. Be sure to ask about the complimentary straightjacket...
Ha Ha I wanna get flamed at because I am totally not like that. So the women stay away from me. I like being single.
Halonic said:
You are out of luck unless you show em whats under that helmet first.
Are you mad?! There could be serious ramifications to the removal of that helmet! It could cause a chain reaction that will unravelk the very fabric of time and space and DESTROY THE EARTH!!!!!!! :eek:

Or, well, it could be just hair...
Thrawn said:
Are you mad?! There could be serious ramifications to the removal of that helmet! It could cause a chain reaction that will unravelk the very fabric of time and space and DESTROY THE EARTH!!!!!!! :eek:

Or, well, it could be just hair...

Maybe it isn't a helmet. Maybe that IS his hair. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Dredd is really revealing the fact that he never leaves his lair, he probably hasnt talked to a female in person for years...
I have Actually talk to this woman :0).


She is from Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sadly I am out of her league. I did meet her last July at a Tournament in Denver.
one2dredd said:
I did meet her last July at a Tournament in Denver.

wow that was a long time ago, you only walk out of your lair every 9 months or so?

one2dredd said:
Sadly I am out of her league.

Maybe your approch is just wrong, when speaking to someone new, or even your friends, speak with a sincere smile. You look 300x(exageration or not?) better when you smile while talking. Use hand motions, dont stand like a statue blowing in the wind. Feel out their comfort zones, but dont be too aggressive, find where that person likes you to be, and stay there, males in general are territorial so you want to keep about a foot at all times...

there is vibro's short guide to meeting and talking like a extrovert, but being a introvert
I am not out of Her League She is out of Mine! Sheesh. I talk to girls just fine although I have trouble if I everwanted to ask one out. But I can be friends with girls just fine.
Oh and ask the people that know me I smile :0). Oh and I USE hand Gestures believe me I get teased about it by my buddies.