Fun with Webcams!

MaidMirawyn said:
And what was running around the car supposed to accomplish? I'm confused! :confused:

Oh, we had to spiritually cleanse the car, because it was evil or something. It's really better not to ask. :rolleyes:

100 posts!

ArchAngel said:
Steven Seagal can beat Jack Bauer. nobody can beat Steven Seagal.

Chuck Norris probably will be able to beat him too. because Chuck has godly might.

Who would win a fight between Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal? My thoughts:

If the fight were held on a train or a boat, especially in the kitchen of a train or boat, the fight goes to Seagal. There's not enough room to roundhouse kick, and Seagal has the experience advantage in those environments.

If the fight were held in Vietnam, Texas, or on top of a workout machine, Norris gets my nod.

HOWEVER, if the fight were held on a workout machine in the kitchen of a train heading through Texas, you've got the fight of the millenium.
Well, this is supposed to be a photo thread, so...behold the real me (and the real, much less active, Dorkelf)!


(I would post a dance photo, but they all show my midriff...)
astrod00d said:
Actually, I think a square pie would be called a cobbler. :p
Heresy! A cobbler is not simply a sqare pie! It uses a batter, not dough, for one thing.

Surely your mother taught you better than that! I bet you call anything cooked on a grill "barbeque", too... :rolleyes:
MaidMirawyn said:
Heresy! A cobbler is not simply a sqare pie! It uses a batter, not dough, for one thing.
Ok...let me rephrase. A square pie would be relatively the same as a cobbler. :o

MaidMirawyn said:
Surely your mother taught you better than that! I bet you call anything cooked on a grill "barbeque", too... :rolleyes:
Actually, no. When I fire up the grill, I consider it grilling. I'm from Texas. I know what barbequing is.