Fun with Webcams!

Dea in ur picture it looks like ur looking at the ground.. did you see a bug or something, or is the person with the camera scaring you?
Dea in ur picture it looks like ur looking at the ground.. did you see a bug or something, or is the person with the camera scaring you?

I was sneaking up behind them with an evil grin and cackling. Maid was giving me a "shut up and sit down" look.


Yes. They make and give wigs to kids who loose their hair from cancer treatment.

my sister donated some hair. I was gonna donate armpit hair but that's not eligible *sigh*
i appreciate the locks of love donations, my mom had cancer and got a wig through that system.
New Pic of me. I took this one to send to my sponsored Child. If you don't Sponsor a child it is an amazing thing to help someone in another country better themselves and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I sponsor my Child through Compassion Internationl. The reason? I believe 95% of the money I send them actually goes to helping my child. Most other organizations only give about 70% I believe. But any way New PIC!

Woah so i figure i should post in here too....


this was taken in August at my brothers wedding.... so nothing has changed since then... i hope lol
and just for the heck of it... cause im sure some one will enjoy this one way or another ... here is the pic of my whole family and my oldest sisters wedding which was this december


^^ thats me & my G/f

On a totally different topic, I have a work photo my coworker took of me at my computer. Maybe I'll post that, IF I can find it again...Maybe I'll even find my ten year old wedding snapshots and post one...I look pretty young...
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Okay time for me to get in on this fun! I got some pics of myself so here they are!

The last one is of me (on the left) and my friend. He is coming to the Art School near my church. He really lives in a different state. We and some other people(that you cannot see) are having a College bible study/social night at Starbucks.





Here are a few pictures here from Missouri after it snowed about 4in in December.

First is a snowman we made after it snowed......10 min later someone came by and knocked it over. Mean people.


My goofy dog eating the snow.

My gas hog of a truck.
Cool snow man. You have no idia how much I love doing a round house kick to the snowman I make like Chuck Norris! YAYAYA!