Fun with Webcams!

I tried doing that in a mirror and now my forehead hurts. *bows in submission*

Speaking of mirrors, a friend of mine from summer camp thinks it's funny to see me be serious, so she kept asking me to say "I'm sorry" in a serious voice.

When I got braces she said "If it hurts a lot, just look into a mirror and say 'I'm sorry' a few times and you'll laugh and cheer yourself up"

The family about a year ago... I'm on left, my middle bro behind my mom and Necromancer Avenger on the right (kinda of a bad pic for him but I dont have any better pics of the family), my mom in front holding my cousin.

pic of halonic, if he had more hair on top and kept the beard
I tell my kids all the time that I have plenty of hair.....I just cut it all off. I had that beard for about 20 years and will have it again as soon as I don't work where I am currently employed any more. Now my face is as smooth as a baby's behind.

What was it that great philosopher "anonymous" said? God made some perfect heads and all the others he put hair on.
I tell my kids all the time that I have plenty of hair.....I just cut it all off. I had that beard for about 20 years and will have it again as soon as I don't work where I am currently employed any more. Now my face is as smooth as a baby's behind.

If you're 40+, your face is bound to be as smooth as... umm... *scrambles to think of something witty*
If you're 40+, your face is bound to be as smooth as... umm... *scrambles to think of something witty*

a bumble bee in the hot afternoon sun on a monday night during football hour at joes bar n grill in alaska
u should have seen her when she had longer hair, but yeah she does at times, its so kool ^_^
BTW that is David aka Caspian on the right, Christopher aka Prince Cor on the left. and this is about half of the snow we had since blizzard been melting so we have less now!