Fun with Webcams!

you should trie to get a headshot of yourself that looks alot like your mes. And avoid the "deer in the headlights"/pained look.
yeah... she does rather look like her mes.
mm, you look very russian, too. yes, it's a good thing.
you are atleast part russian/ukranian/eastern europeon, aren't you?

which reminds me... wasn't there a topic about Paul and mail-order brides or something?
yeah... she does rather look like her mes.
mm, you look very russian, too. yes, it's a good thing.
you are atleast part russian/ukranian/eastern europeon, aren't you?
Nope, Scottish, Irish, English, and Cherokee, primarily. I think we might have a touch of Germanic heritage, but I'm not sure.

And sorry about the "deer in the headlights" look, but I had to take the pic with the self-timer...and I wanted to get a pic up of my new hair color so Paul could see it.
yeah... she does rather look like her mes.
mm, you look very russian, too. yes, it's a good thing.
you are atleast part russian/ukranian/eastern europeon, aren't you?

which reminds me... wasn't there a topic about Paul and mail-order brides or something?

lol yeah that was in the "does paul exist" topic
Love the color!

Kel Queen of all Europe
Thanks, Kel. I've had a very positive response. Hopefully Paul will like it. Not that he'll be that surprised...every RPG character I've ever made has been a redhead. (Until some of my more recent GW characters, that is.)