Fun with Webcams!

*Dredd casually pulls his out his bag puls out his freestyle puts it on the ground and mutters something like this calls for ramping and pulls out his Promaster with Halo B and 1500 rds and goes about shooting everyone and running out of ammo in 1:30 seconds*

Yes my gun shoots 15bps cuz ramping :( if I take of the ramping I can hit 17 bps but than I have to manually pull the tripper 17 times a second and I can only do that for so long.
*dredd looks down wow what a tiny mech Vibro how are you supposed to step on me with that? oops are you ok didn't mean to step on your MECH!*
hehe I hate the look MM gives when she gets her picture taken. She looks like she is ready to spring at the camera and kill a few people...