Feed The Beast


I put up a FTB server to play around with. to access it will need download the FTB client from here: http://www.feed-the-beast.com/#download_wrapper

Once downloaded, point your client to ftb.mykeiki.com. This is not an official ToJ server, and can be taken down anytime. I have been playing single player, and wanted to be able to play outside of the house, so I migrated it to a server, and thought I would let others know.

Its running the current version of Direwolf, so download appropriately. :)
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Do many members play on this server? I'm a fan of these mods (I run a tekkit server for my daughter and her friends).
A few. I'm not sure exactly how many, as I haven't worked up the courage to log in and face all the new crafting. :D
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Ok, seriously x.x What build of FTB are you using? Cat and I can't figure it out. It'd be much easier if you had a build already set or were using one of the default, but we can't seem to get the right combination... versions of the mods and client might make a difference too...
Yep. Version 4. The server needs to be updated to support Version 5.

Ill get it done sometime and post that its updated.
I have updated the Feed the Beast server to Direwolf V5.1.1, so you can now update your clients..

Unfortunately, due to the plugins that are used, the world was not able to move over. I tried a lot of different configurations, it just wouldn't move. So, there is a new world. Took me a couple tries to get one I liked.. Hopefully, this will stay for a while.

Have fun :)
Stickied, since there seems to be several people using the server and new players interested as well.
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Okay, okay, I'll go try it. If I cause a black hole and destroy the FTB universe... I blame you.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but this seemed the most appropriate place.

I'm in the market for a new Minecraft community - the previous one I joined has become inactive the point of "why bother". I'm especially interested in FTB, particularly the new Unleashed and DireWolf20 1.5 packs.

Does TOJ still host a modded server, or do members here typically prefer vanilla?

If a modded server is not currently available, would anyone be interested in playing FTB on a small-scale? I'm particularly seeking a small group (2-3 others) for some cooperative builds focusing less on architectural prowess and more on automation and exploration of late-game mods: Applied Energistics, Modular Powersuits, Thaumcraft, Thermal Expansion, Tree/Bee breeding, Mystcraft, Twilight Forest, etc.

I would certainly not expect TOJ to host a server for such a small group. I've hosted small games on my desktop (which I run 24/7), but they don't include a lot of the "perks" like /sethome, /spawn, etc (although with Mystcraft and Portal Guns, these commands can become obsolete rather quickly anyways). My system has enough RAM and bandwidth to support a small-scale game like this, and I'd be happy to offer hosting for this type of game for a few weeks/months.

I know my name isn't very well known around here, so if my request/offer is a bit premature, please accept my apologies. I'd be happy (and excited) to join the currently TOJ-supported Minecraft server to "prove my minecraftiness" and/or become a more familiar face. I also do not intend to divide the community between the vanillas and the beast-feeders; if such a division would occur, then I would certainly withdraw this suggestion. Thanks!
Hi JGouldie!

As you can see, we tried FTB a while back and I don't think there was a lot of interest. However, your timing is excellent, because in the last week, blsimpson has fired it back up with the new packs. I'll have to let him tell you what he's running, as he handles all of it.

Our Minecraft server is fairly vanilla, though we do use McMMO and have GriefPrevention. You're welcome to pop in if you'd like, but I can understand if the non-FTB is way too plain now. :) bl showed me a bit of his FTB server, and I am just blown away by all the new things in there.

You need not worry; Your post here is fine and appropriate as far as I'm can tell. But, like I said, we'll have to wait for bl to fill you in. I'm sure he'll enjoy having another FTB'er.
Thanks for the response - I'm really looking forward to hearing from blsimpson.

If I seem overly-deferential in my earlier post, it's only because I acknowledge that I'm "new" to this community (long-time lurker, but recently becoming more visible). I didn't want to stir the pot or cause undue controversy, as I have seen the "vanilla vs. modded" discussion get out of hand and divisive. I firmly believe there's a place for both, and I'm glad to see that this group agrees to some extent.

As for being overly-complicated, FTB is really not all that bad. I'm still working it all out, but I've found that focusing on one mod at a time really helps with the confusion. IC2 is a long-time favorite of mine, and I can recall all of the recipes and how the machines play together. From there, I moved to Buildcraft, which was basically the same thing, but with different recipes and item names. Now, I try to avoid IC2 and focus primarily on Buildcraft until those machines are committed to memory. Once you figure out these two mods, the rest are easy by comparison.

I'm always available to assist with understanding how something is crafted, used, or how it synergizes with something else, and get excited when others begin to understand and embrace these new concepts. Just the other day, I was helping someone figure out how to make a "stake" for traincraft. What would normally be a simple task was quickly complicated when it was discovered that similarly named items were not interchangeable; for example, crafting coal into coal dust on a train workbench (not macerating it - that's the "wrong" coal dust), then mixing clay and coal dust to make graphite, which is used with iron ingots to make steel dust, which can finally be smelted into steel (not the blast furnace steel, that's the "wrong" kind again). The steel can be crafted with iron to make the stake, which is used to link train cars together. Figuring it out can be headache (especially when NEI isn't showing recipes), but I was happy to share the knowledge I had gained, and my companion was happy to receive it :)

Anyways - I'm rambling, so I'll wrap up. I look forward to hearing about the FTB server (if you're whitelisting, my MC name is also JGouldie), and even more so into sharing what knowledge I can to encourage others in their exploration of these new mods.
Welcome JGouldie! We are currently running a FTB modded server. Its running Unleashed right now, but I haven't been on much so I would have no problems switching mod packs to Direwolf. The current server is not live so there is no whitelist, but I can PM you the IP and port. Its running Unleashed, so you will need to be using those. It would be great to get others to play on it, but our main server is running Bukkit, with a fair amount of mods, including the ones that Josh mentioned above. I see you have been whitelisted there, so hope to see you on soon. Ill send you a PM soon with the FTB server information..
I've played both Unleashed and Direwolf20, and am fairly comfortable with both. I'll be online tonight after 9pm, as I have some rehearsals to attend at church tonight. I'll keep an eye out for a PM with the IP/port, and look for people on the "vanilla" server (where I've started working on a homestead in Caladan) and on TS. I'm starting to feel a bit giddy about getting back into some FTB! And now my co-workers are looking at me strange....
I put up a FTB server on port 25575 to play around with. to access it will need download the FTB client from here: http://www.feed-the-beast.com/#download_wrapper

Once downloaded, point your client to mc.toj.cc:25575. The current whitelist is in place, but let me know if you try and get on and cant. Look forward to seeing a ton of awesome creations!!

Think of it as a Tekkit server, but legal. I guess the Tekkit guys havent gotten permission to use a lot of the mods they do, and the FTB guys have (?).

Mod list
Minecraft Forge
Chickenbones Core
Rei's Minimap
Advanced Machines
Computer Craft
Ender Storage
Extra Bees
ExtraBiomes XL
Industrial Craft
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
Twilight Forest
Advanced Solar Panels
Modular Forcefield System
Obsidian Pressure Plates
Portal Gun
Steve's Carts
Thermal Expansion
I have used the server and I really don't like it..I would love to find some other option