enhance shaman/prot warrior fo' sale.


New Member
anyone wanna buy them? sick of this game, and haven't played it in a long time. both are fully epiced out.. something like 100 or more epics between the two, I dunno. shaman does stupid DPS, like 2000+ (I've pushed 2400 on vashj) sustained at times.
Not to spoil the parade, but I am sure that is illegal, especially after Blizz talking about it last week...
both the shaman and warrior are on the same account, heh. I rerolled both of them when I returned to wow. I'd like to say about 180 bucks each... /shrug also, the shaman is indeed alliance. draenei scum.

they are transferrable to stonemaul, yes. my transfers have NEVER been used. I was gonna transfer here a few times, but was low on cashola or I was stuck raiding 24/7, so it never happened.