enhance shaman/prot warrior fo' sale.

Maybe i need another Shaman... I would have to respec resto...

He's got like 1300 +healing... I don't use him to heal much, but he's got pretty much full epic healing gear... aside from a weapon, which is some ghetto 227 blue healing mace... oh, also, ghetto healing helmet.
illegal means against the law, the FBI wont come to your house for selling or buying an acct, the acct will just get banned by Blizz if they want to do that
However, by agreeing to the ToS, isn't breaking an agreement bad enough?

It's like me borrowing your car, saying I won't ramp it off a cliff, and then go ramping it off a cliff... I see no difference...but I guess it is all how you look at it... "(It's just a game, so I can do what I want...)"
well, considering he's not wrecking WoW by seeking compensation for his time involved in creating and gearing the characters, i'd say that's a pretty big difference imo
If you really wanted to get down and dirty with this "Illegal" word floating around, I would say that selling an account would be Illegal, as per the TOS.

You agree not to do it in the TOS, which is a legal contract. You violate the legal contract (TOS) by selling an account, therefore, you've just broken the law.

Despite its pettiness.

People do it anyway, and Blizzard seems to not care. I don't care what people do, as I do not "own" their accounts.

(Blizzard owns all acounts.)
yeah anyone besides a minor child that you are guardian of is not allowed to use your account. when I logged onto my wifes account to post on the blizzard forums asking why my account was banned they threatened to ban her account because I was not allowed onto her account being her husband heh.
quote from ToS
You represent that you are an adult in your country of residence. You agree to these Terms of Use on behalf of yourself and, at your discretion, for one (1) minor child for whom you are a parent or guardian and whom you have authorized to use the account you create on the Service.

also under naming rules:
Belonging to any religious figure or deity;
Comprised of partial or complete sentence (e.g., "Inyourface", "Welovebeef", etc);
This one has many Red members breaking the ToS I believe...
good point

and if the acct is in your name she would have to be the one acting like a minor child:P
whats the warriors profesions?

shamans profesions?

skill levels?


375/375 blacksmithing and mining on shaman... gear is t5/some arena/etc. also has dragonstrike.

as for the ToS... yeah, I never agreed to it. I never do. they can say "if you do this or that, it means you agree!", but I don't. you can't put words in my mouth like that. that's like saying "if you drink milk, it means you agree you're an evil animal abuser".. um, no... *inhales habanero milk*