enhance shaman/prot warrior fo' sale.

well you can...but your time may be short if you break it...

i mean, i can disagree with something but use the product anyway :) i think that's what gnome is saying...he just preferred to play rather than have a refund
is pushing a button a legally binding contract now? I know the IRS doesnt accept it hehe

sorta...there is a term for that...it escapes me at the moment, but as i see it...some of the "rules" are plain stupid and as an owner of /sigh 4 accounts...i would think they'd be a little more forgiving, therefore, rules do not apply!

besides they should encourage selling accounts...it's more money for them anyway =/
is pushing a button a legally binding contract now? I know the IRS doesnt accept it hehe

It's pretty black and white. You can accept the terms of their service (note you can only hit the accept button after you scroll to the bottom) or decline and hit do not accept.

is pushing a button a legally binding contract now?
It isn't that pushing a button is "a legally binding contract", it is the act of scrolling through the contract, then hitting accept. By making you scroll through the contract FIRST, they now can say that you read the terms and accept them.

They covered their butts, in other words.

besides they should encourage selling accounts...it's more money for them anyway =/

Not necessarily. If they start the game at level seventy, then Blizzard just lost out on all the time the customer would otherwise be spent leveling and most importantly, mastering the learning curve (because that is essentially how Blizzard makes money, more time you spend playing = more months you pay them for).

I don't understand how they would make any more money. In fact, they would probably lose money.

If someone who has never played the game buys an account, they have to master how to play the character and learn the etiquette so they can be successful such as group invitations. They may get frustrated and stop playing...
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i guess you could always argue that the terms of the contract are unconscienable therefore are null and void :) i mean, not allowing my wife to log on is pretty ridiculous...maybe i should chalk it up to community property laws!
Unconscionable is an opinion that holds different meanings for different people.

In the end, you still accepted and you still play the game.

(I know it was a joke, but I wanted to make it a big deal!)

you dont have to scroll you can just hit end and go right to the bottom:P

I argued that fact with them too Nevi, my wife owns half of everything in this state but she cant log onto my acct lol.
You still can't hit accept until you go to the end of the agreement. Thats what I am getting at.

They force you to move the document so you can read it to cover their butts from lawsuits.

They don't care if you actually read it, they just want to do everything in their power to make it seem like you agree to terms of service and you have read the agreement.

If they really wanted you to read the agreement they would have a timer on it or something.

(There isn't an "end" button on the screen you can hit, so therefore that is no different from scrolling.)

Play connect the dots or go from Point A to Point Z, they just want you to give them something to hold you accountable to.

If they didn't care about you reading the agreement, they wouldn't make you go to the bottom.
Warriors and Shammies, not my style of play. Priests... :) I think I'm going to delete all my alts and reroll 8 other priests.