Devona's Tavern - the new Off-topic thread

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Aside from Wal-Mart vs. Target carts (which, btw, I've had bad experiences with Wal-Mart carts... the wheels never work), was that supposed to be a point toward the 'Bring out your dead!' scene? "I think I'll go for a walk!" "You're not fooling anybody..."

Ranger Thor has one thing to say:


I love to drink hot tea; if I have time, I love homemade chai.

Hey, I was making it before it was trendy. I MADE it trendy. ;)

And just because I wasn't online earlier this weekend, my two cents...
For example, do the words "Dead Parrot" mean anything to anyone?? ;)
This parrot is no more!

participating in organized sports
If being uninterested in sports makes one a nerd, count me in. Sports are way overrated.
a vanilla latte or rockstar or wired (washington state based energy drink)
What's everyone's drink of choice while gaming......or when ever??

Depends on the time and place

Mornings = coffee (black (sometimes w/ sugar))
Late night studying = Monster
Pretty much anytime = coke
------> I feel it's necessary to list the subcategories under coke:
On tap = Dr. Pepper
Bottle or can = Coca Cola

Depends on the time and place

Mornings = coffee (black (sometimes w/ sugar))
Late night studying = Monster
Pretty much anytime = coke
------> I feel it's necessary to list the subcategories under coke:
On tap = Dr. Pepper
Bottle or can = Coca Cola


im not a big coke fan, pepsi is better
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