Class leader nominations\elections

still watching from behind a tree wondering when Icthus will erase us all

throws mud pies at Baddwin, one misses and hits Alhana and spatters on Avesther as he leaves

Schmeea, Schmeea, Schmeea? has swiftness potion ready

Eeew, yuk - Druid cooties!!! Get them off, get them off!

/em writhes around on the ground, pitching a fit and generally being WAY more dramatic than the situation really calls for.
<Luckily Icthus had just eaten some fish sticks and the + to healing saved his life. He reaches for his staff and looks around for Grodester>
Avesther Begins to wonder if Goodwone has a health potion...because she's going to need it.

haaaa, you'll never catch me. And FJ and Meli will jump in. Muhahahahaha

*throws another mudpie* SMACK right on Avesther :D *downs swiftness potion* grabs popcorn from Odale and runs :p

looks around for Icthus: eek:
<Osirys deathcoils Goodwone back so he can recover his Popcorn, and then Fears her back into the fight>
**Schmeea vanishes, pp's Osirys' popcorn and whatever else she gleans out of his pockets, hits the dash icon into the shadows....*** (oohhh, moths!)
haaaa, you'll never catch me. And FJ and Meli will jump in. Muhahahahaha

*throws another mudpie* SMACK right on Avesther :D *downs swiftness potion* grabs popcorn from Odale and runs :p

looks around for Icthus: eek:

From one knee, Avesther stands up, staring at the ground a moment. She slowly lifts her head, wiping the mud from one side of her face. She pauses and looks at her now grime covered glove. She peers through the top of her eyes at Goodwone as a stoic look comes across her face.

"Perhaps," hissed Avesther, "you have forgotten with whom you are dealing with, silly warrior!"

Avesther raises her hand as she finishes standing up right, she becomes consumed in shadow and darkness. With a twist of her hand, the popcorn in Goodwones hand disappears into thin air and reapears in Avesther's hands. Goodwone slowly succumbed to the grief and shame of what she had done to Avesther. Her eye's felt heavy and sunk to the ground as if looking for an escape from Avesther most menacing gaze. Finally, after what seemed surely an eternity, Goodwone looked up to meet Avesther's eye. She opened her mouth, unsure of what to say, but hoped for that an apology would make its way to her lips.

"You know dear," interupted Avesther, no longer consumed by shadows, with her silver hair flowing in the wind and eye's steeped in experiences surely to horrific to recount, "these mud masks do wonders for your complextion."

Stunned by the eloquance and beauty of Avesther, Goodwone simply stood there. Too dumbfounded to duck, as a mud pie, so expertly thrown with pinpoint accuracy smacked her square in the kisser.

"You should try one." Was the last thing Goodwone remembered as Avesther whistled for her snowy white Griffon and flew away into the deep purples the setting sun sky.

"We shall meet again." Murmured Goodwone under hear breath. Then as she turned to walk away, she swears she heard the wind carry a harmonic voice replying "but not today, silly warrior."
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