Class leader nominations\elections

Breaks out his whooping stick.....*has Mituba in hiding to keep me healed where Meli and Good can't see her* Alright, I'm game...I'll do a double duel vs. you two.
hahaha...Meli and Good have Citgrad and Champ healing with their armored double mana pool.....Christianna sheeps FJ.......this is a real brawl

*swats* Tebran and Baddwin back, back with duel wields O.O

girl power again! Meli, I'll take FJ's shield and roll for the rest

hands Icthus back this thread in victory....................
hahaha...Meli and Good have Citgrad and Champ healing with their armored double mana pool.....Christianna sheeps FJ.......this is a real brawl

*swats* Tebran and Baddwin back, back with duel wields O.O

girl power again! Meli, I'll take FJ's shield and roll for the rest

hands Icthus back this thread in victory....................

Wha? Huh?

Well, it looks like I need to pull out the AE Fear. This should be over shortly...:D
How did the nomination thread turn into a free for all Battle Royale?

The Redeemed Rumble in Old HillsBrad, live 7:30pm
Christianna counterspells Baddwin...but wait...who is that sneaking up behind to stunlock him? Schmeea ... gogo girl power!
/em wonders how he went from being a non participant in this event to the subject of such feminine attention in the span of less than a page.

Although depending on context...erm...yeah...nevermind....

Hey, ya gotta cut the old guys a little slack. ;)
Hmm...Meli play the maturity card not the age card or Schmeea and I won't be able to help you....everyone knows that females are more mature than males. <Christianna gets out her pet ready to throw water bombs to cool off Baddwin>
I can't believe I read the last few pages of this thread. Can I have the last 10 minutes of my life back, please?
Hmm...Meli play the maturity card not the age card or Schmeea and I won't be able to help you....everyone knows that females are more mature than males. <Christianna gets out her pet ready to throw water bombs to cool off Baddwin>

/em banishes Christianna's pet for 30 seconds of its 45 second life span

You just keep telling yourself that, Goblit, and you might start to believe it. :p Other than that, I'm not touching that gauntlet.
Remember I'm 6 days older....I win either way Baddwin


<Christianna casts ice block...immune to all attacks>