Christians and computer games

While he did not admit his mistakes, you can't say for sure that he won't in the future.

Christianity is a religion of second chances. Accepting your brother, and forgiving him as many times as he needs it.

The Bible teaches us that we are forgiven in the same way that we forgive. We are judge by the same standard that we judge others.

Your dad might come to the realization of what all he lost, and what all he should have been. If he does, if he truly changes, should your mother deny him a second chance?
HAHAHAHAHA i laugh openly at you. he had 15 years to change, and realise his mistakes. also i might have sed, they are in the process of getting divorced, a year and 3 months down the track. he has had many many chances to change, and he doesnt. he has had a year to change. he hasnt. he never will. hell hes seeing someone else atm! there is no way that they are getting back together
so you are advocating no forgiveness if he changes?

Remember, we are forgiven as we forgive, and we are judge as we judge.
Dude, he's just a kid, like me. Acting on what he sees, what he knows. I wouldn't share any mercy on a dirtbag, if his dad's truly like that. I should share it, but I probably wouldn't. I don't blame him for his feelings. Also, understand, the law only gives so many chances to return to normality, or else face the punishments. Speed one too many times, into the slammer with you. Steal a bit too much after promising never to do it again, into the slammer.
Hello Kidan,

Kidan: [As for the 'bondage' or 'bound'  That to me signifies that the covenant between the man and the woman has been nullified.  But remember, a marriage covenant is between a man, a woman, and God.  Would a covenant between a human and God end, just because someone else walked out of it?]

Your post made a lot of sense and that seems like a reasonable conclusion. Thanks for sharing your insight!

Take care,

Saint J
Haha, you dont get it. itz not a question of "if" he will change. he never will. he is blind to his mistakes. you would have to have seen what i have. and no im not just a "kid" i think i know what im talking about. i dont hate my dad. i talk to him quite regularly, and i stay over his place sometimes, but we couldnt have a realationship of he ever came back. he is too judgemental. but you wouldnt understand so dont worry about it
Personally, my two cents is that I probably wouldn't be able to let him back in, just because I am not perfect. Only Jesus was perfect, and he would let him back in if your dad asked forgiveness, so, yes, you and your mom and whatever other family you have technically SHOULD let him back if he asks forgiveness, but like I said, only Jesus was perfect. And sure, even if he doesn't admit that he did anything wrong, he still knows that something is wrong, especially when he has to look elsewhere than your mom and you for happiness. He won't find any actual Joy untill he asks forgiveness, and then is when you should forgive him, and let him back in. I don't think any one is blind to mistakes like that, I just think he is choosing to ignore them, think they'll go away, something like that.
haha i dont agree with you. we have "forgiven" him. but we are not going to let him back in to make our lives hell again. i mean itz as if they will ever get back together now. Dad has been seeing someone else, and mum is hardly going to let him back. he was just a deadweight. and i dont agree with you. technically we should let him back? why?? because it says in the bible that it is wrong? well if he has made our lives hell for 13 years (it was 13 not 15 actually) so why should we let him back in? coz the beble says. well if we have to just because of that then bugger the bible.

you do not understand what went on. and i will not explain it.


so please get over it
THEN WHY DID YOU BRING IT UP?! You wanted our opinions....again, and then you shut us up once we began to tell you them. You've gotta be open or don't ask anything at all dude.
Dude, when i brought up the subject of divorce, all i sed was that when mum and dad split up, everyone at church wouldnt talk to mum, let alone help her out. i wasnt saying anything about divorce in that way. also, getting back to the reason why im annoyed at christians again, ill tell you another story. We moved this weekend, and only 2 people from church helped. one lady was getting paid, coz thatz her busness, and the other dude, hes supposed to be a pastor, and he didnt seem too happy to help, yet 4 nonchristians OFFERED their help and helped much more than any of the christians, and with a wonderful attitude as well. Screwed up i say.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The-Messenjah @ Mar. 22 2003,7:29)]Dude, when i brought up the subject of divorce, all i sed was that when mum and dad split up, everyone at church wouldnt talk to mum, let alone help her out. i wasnt saying anything about divorce in that way. also, getting back to the reason why im annoyed at christians again, ill tell you another story. We moved this weekend, and only 2 people from church helped. one lady was getting paid, coz thatz her busness, and the other dude, hes supposed to be a pastor, and he didnt seem too happy to help, yet 4 nonchristians OFFERED their help and helped much more than any of the christians, and with a wonderful attitude as well. Screwed up i say.
Is your mum friends with any people at the church? Do the people even know what happened? Did she ask for help, and then was turned down?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Is your mum friends with any people at the church? Do the people even know what happened? Did she ask for help, and then was turned down?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. the thing is, no one even offered (as this time when we moved) yet a ton of non-christians offered and helped... as far as i know, itz supposed to be the other way round
Then that church sounds like its full of stupid people. Get a new one, with people willing to be real friends.
Well buddy. I recommend you have a long, disturbing talk with your pastor. Make a few comments about his "pretty house" and "nice car" and "lovely wife" and "what a shame it would be to lose them in a tragic accident." He'll get motivated.
Look: be annoyed with Christians. I already told you: if these are the people in your church building, chances are they're weak Christians, busy Christians, or not Christians.
Geez. Get over it. We moved from a town to a new town ten years ago. We did it on ourselves. We didn't gripe if our old church didn't help. It's fine.
And also know this: half the world's not Christian. Ergo, if you have some "non-Christian" friends offer to help out, power to them. Geez. Don't bring it up as if Christians are with the Devil and non-Christians aren't.
Look: Christians weren't told: "Thou shalt help thy neighbor move his house, or else I'll sic Messenjah to gripe about you on a message board." We're told to be Christians, to help out widows, orphans, to be lights to the world. We're not told to be your personal butler. Get that straight and you'll be a happier person.
People move around, people leave, people have lives that don't involve other people. Not all people can be in all people's lives. Christians aren't omnipresent, ever-helpful beings with no thought in mind but your well-being. They're greedy, they shouldn't be. The world's greedy, it shouldn't be.
Here's a question: have YOU ever taken time out of a sports game you were playing to go help that cripple from church move from his old house? Highly doubtful. People have lives. Don't sweat it.
On a more sympathetic note, your church sounds like it's full of sucky people.
And on another note: NOT EVERYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BE A CHRISTIAN IS. Take relationships...not everyone who says they love the other one actually loves that other one...
There are liars. There are wolves in sheep's clothing. BE wary my friend.
All im saying is that we recieved help/support (emotional support) from non-christians and none whatsoever from christians. isnt it the other way round? and yeah, i am over it. im over christianity in general. i find churches where they are preaching "love and accept one another" you arent accepted coz you are slightly different. (im not gay, or retarded, or anything, just a little different) im not asking them to take time out from their schedules to help me. i dont want a personal butler, but i would like some support. a phone call would be nice. you know, dad just left, etc, and everyone knew about it, and only 2 or 3 people phoned up to see how we were doing. they dont have to, but if they say they are christians, shouldnt they be acting like them. you know, itz just a farce.

what do christians do? all i can see is them judging people because they arent like them or because they are "in sin".

so as far as im concerned you can shove your religion where the sun dont shine.

and thankyou ultima avatar for helping me decide that once and for all.

wait a sec here. Unfortuantely just because someone claims to be Christian doesn't mean they are instantly a good person. (That's what the world seems to expect) BEing a Christian is a growing process. Many times along this journey we mess up.

Bascially no one is perfect. Just because someone says they're Christian doesn't mean I would trust them or expect much out of them. And if soemone is not Christian, they are not evil. There are many good and bad people in this world Christian or not.