Christians and computer games

My bad. For one the server was a tad screwed up on this side of the world (me), and I didn't clarify my last sentence.

You say to Shark that
Hardcore Pedophilia Pornography is perverted.
All Hardcore Pornography is perverted.
All Pornography is perverted.
Anything with titilation is perverted.
Anything that titilates unconsciously is perverted.
Attractive women are perverted.

This logic is too messed up, as you said. I don't see how logic could dictate anywhere into that mess. And if we kept going, we could also make it that young women are perverted, therefore girls are perverted, therefore baby girls are perverted therefore zygotes are perverted. Why stop with women? Let's make the entire human race perverted.
I was responding to Shark, I guess I slipped your name in there without saying in the second sentence it was to Shark. My bad.
To be fair to me, it is SUPPOSED to be bad logic - but each step leads (sort of) logically onto the next and we go from a reasonable assumption to a load of rubbish.

1 John 2 -
Obviously you can read an english bible, but have you taken the time to study the understanding of this scripture and find what it truly means. On the outside, you still don't have a point. But you can reveal the true meaning to yourself if you take time to study just what love is. What is love?

2 Peter 3 -
No, you aren't understanding it right.

1 Peter 1 -
Being holy in conversation is another discussion. We are talking about games here. How is virtually shooting an individual who doesn't really die have anything to do with being holy in all manner of conversation.

1 Peter 2 -
Good point for those that lust after computer-animated boobs. But bad point if attempting(and failing) to place blame on all Christian gamers. I, for example, don't get all worked up when I see a naked unreal skin. It's fake, it does nothing to me. So am I not abstaining "from fleshly lusts"?

1 Thessalonians 5 -
You misunderstand the verse and the environment of gaming, thus failing your point two times. Remarkable.

2 Corinthians 10 -
Did not Jesus party? Read the bible and be free my son.

Anything else? Feel free to throw it at me.

*note* My views on Christians and gaming may differ from other Christian views. Everyone has their problems, and those are personal, and I believe games are neutral in the matter and cannot be blamed in anyway.
Damar's gone dude. He won't be able to reply...I guess this topic's moot now...unless the Christians would like to debate it now...?
Look i play a lot of games, and i havent been affected by them. i mean lighten up please. is this a home for all the religious bigots in thge world?
hmm...i've read 3 posts from you messenjah, and i've heard you refer to people on this board as bigots twice, and people on another board as bigot once.

Why do I have the feeling that anyone who takes a stand for what God Word says would be labeled a bigot?

The dictionary defines bigot as
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

You make the first post in this thread a little over 10 days, and instead of reading previous posts to see exactly what the thread was about, and who started it, you automatically jumped in with the assumption it was started by a Christian, speaking against video gaming.
no not all christians are bigots. and i dont dissagree standing for what you believe in.

what i do hate is people who wont associate with somone coz they are different to either what you beleive in or they are a little "different to you" that makes me really mad.

or people who, because they are christians and they think that they should "save the world" ram religeon down peoples throats (and itz just religeon, nothing else, there is no grace of God in it) and just go on and on about it.  

this only hurts people, doesnt show them about God, just how much of an jerk you are.

sorry if i sound like im just bagging Christians, but i am starting to wonder what it means to be a christian.

let me tell you a story

Mum and Dad split up just over a year ago, and have only just gotten divorced. now mum has had to raise four kids by herself, as well as go to uni, all by herself.
we have also just sold our house and have had to pack and clean the house etc, and did you know that we have gotten absolutely no help from church, unless we asked many times, whereas our nonchristian friends have given us lots of help and support throught the entire time without having to ask them once. mum would go to tlak to someone at church and if they knew that she had split up with dad they would avoid her like the plague

do i call christians bigots and hypocrits? you bet i do. they ram religeion down your throat and if you mess up at all they tread on you not help you up. when i last read my bible (quite a while ago, mabe it changed??? did it?) it sed ot help those who are in need.

oh well

(deleted) Please don't l33t swear on this board
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The-Messenjah @ Mar. 09 2003,11:11)]mum would go to tlak to someone at church and if they knew that she had split up with dad they would avoid her like the plague
Sounds like a crummy church to me. When my family went back east a few years ago, we went to one church where the women weren't alowed to say "amen". Well, we didn't stay there very long.
I'm sorry over the divorce, and it sounds to me like a crummy church also.

But you must remember divorce is something that should not happen. It's a man and woman breaking a covenant with each other and God.

I am called to 'ram' Chritianity down people's throats. If they are not taught the Bible, they will not know to repent. If they are not taught the Bible they will not know what is sin. As a Christian, and more importantly as a leader in my church I am required by God to do these things. That said, do you think I 'tread' on those people whom I instruct?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kidan @ Mar. 10 2003,12:37)]I'm sorry over the divorce, and it sounds to me like a crummy church also.

But you must remember divorce is something that should not happen.  It's a man and woman breaking a covenant with each other and God.  

I am called to 'ram' Chritianity down people's throats.  If they are not taught the Bible, they will not know to repent. If they are not taught the Bible they will not know what is sin.  As a Christian, and more importantly as a leader in my church I am required by God to do these things.  That said, do you think I 'tread' on those people whom I instruct?

You dont know anything about the divorce and its reasongs so who are you to say that "divorce is wrong" how would you know? anyway, that wasnt my point. i was saying that all of the christians didnt help us unless we asked them where as the non-christians helped us without having to be asked.

also, if you are a pastor then of course oyu are supposed to preach the gospel. im not talking about that. im talking about when you mean someone who is not saved, and you immediately start telling them that they are sinners and everything. that is what pisses me off. not tellimg people about the gospel.

now i got to Tafe and there are 20 peeps in my class. now if i started "ramming it down their throat", i wouldnt have any friends for long. now if i waited and SHOWED BY MY EXAMPLE the way oyu should live wouldnt that be better? and if i get the chance to tell someone one on one just to "share" then that would be much better. dont you think?
Ok, this message board is really getting messed up. It's supposed to be about Christians playing video games, not how much christians are not your favorite person, or about how all you heathens out there should turn or burn. I mean, seriously, the whole bad logic-zygotes-are-perverted-pedophiliacs thing was a bit off- topic to start. Also, I admire the zeal but not the blatant ingorance of Kidan. God didn't say, "Thou shalt SHOVE THE BIBLE DOWN PEOPLE's THROUGHTS WITH A JACKHAMMER!!!" And then, openly admitting that you're here to force people into believing in Jesus is a little, umm, off to me. People have to choose Jesus, CHOOSE being the key word, not just go through some motions to get Bible Thumpers off their backs, to get to Heaven. Oh, and whoever said that heaven has cookies? Heaven has better than cookies; it has VIDEO GAMES!!!
All right Nasty...uhm that whole logic thing was an expression to Shark how mistaken he was at the time. Damar was a basher of Christianity, multiple times. I challenged him often to reasonable thought and he gave none. Kinda sad, but hey.
Now listen up Messenjah. Kidan said divorce is not something that should happen. He didn't say anything against your family or anything like that. No need to get upset dude. The Scriptures say divorce is allowable so long as there is reason for it (such as unfaithfulness). Protestants came around later on, about two thousand+ years later and say that remarriage after divorce is okay, if the divorce was on the grounds of adultery, willful abandonment, chronic impotence, life-threatening hostility, and willful deceit.
We're not saying we're here to force it down your throats. Kidan is supporting himself is all and I give him props. That's his calling. We are here to shove it down your throats. Scriptures do not tell us: "Be thou a wuss and don't tell the Word unless you feel brave enough (as when surrounded by four thousand Christian peers) to enunciate thine Christian beliefs." THE BIBLE TELLS US TO BRING THE GOSPEL TO ALL NATIONS! We're not here to be wusses, to submit to the other religions. Craptastic, read your own BIBLE! It tells us ALL OTHER RELIGIONS ARE FALSE, for they don't acknowledge God. We're not here to coincide with other religions, especially ISLAM, as so many Christians and so many atheists are saying we're alike to and should get along with. God did not come to bring a garden hoe. He came to bring a sword, said he. He did not come to bring peace but to create diversion. He is here as a rock of stumbling and falter. He is not here to be the good guy to the world. He is here as a weapon and you'd better respect that. Read the Bible. Read prophecies of the Old Testament. You'll see that that is what he says.
I have to say, this is the first time in my life I have ever been called ignorant, except maybe by my siblings.

as for who am I to say divorce is wrong?  I am a teacher of the Word of God.  I instruct people in the Bible and its teaching.  That is my calling and my gift.  The Bible is quite clear in that divorce is wrong.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]19:1 And it came to pass, [that] when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan;
19:2   And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there.
19:3   The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?  
19:4   And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made [them] at the beginning made them male and female,
19:5   And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
19:6   Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
19:7   They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?  
19:8   He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.  
19:9   And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except [it be] for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.  
19:10   His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with [his] wife, it is not good to marry

Matthew 19:1-10

Can that be any clearer?  Jesus didn't even bother with a parable on that one. He wanted it to be clear

and of course we should always show by example, likewise we should be open to God's spirit leading us to tell people of Christ

in my previous post I thought I made it clear I'm a teacher of the Word.  I never said I forced anyone to repent, rather i teach them about the Bible and God.  Exactly like your pastor and sunday school teacher.  Now are they ignorant and forcing you to be a Christian.
ok then. tell me if this is wrong. my father left, right, and mum didnt let him back because he was an arsehole and never did anything, was just a pain to us kids etc.

hes gone and we are all much more happy. so is that wrong?
Was it a divorce or an abandonment?
As I said previously dude, and as you've been asked already, don't curse, even in elite talk. We don't appreciate that on this board.
Sorry about it all dude. Your dad left. It's his bad if he does anything else afterwards with anyone else.
Dude, im not worried about it. it was Kidan who sed that it was wrong. no need to be sorry, all i was saying was how is that wrong?

neway, the reason i brought up the divorce was coz no one from the church, actually no chrisians (besides 1 family) offered help where as a ton of non-christian friends helped without asking. how whacked is that?

btw i dont curse in "elite" talk. i say it like this so it doesnt get "cencored".
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The-Messenjah @ Mar. 11 2003,5:58)]btw i dont curse in "elite" talk. i say it like this so it doesnt get "cencored".
If I where you, I wouldn't curse at all. You are just going to get kicked.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Nspire @ Mar. 11 2003,9:06)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The-Messenjah @ Mar. 11 2003,5:58)]btw i dont curse in "elite" talk. i say it like this so it doesnt get "cencored".
If I where you, I wouldn't curse at all. You are just going to get kicked.
hmm, how else can i get my point accross? you people dont seem to listen anyway.