Central Transfer Chamber - the NEW off-topic thread

in my "lurking days", I read a lot of his posts. He seems to have been quite a character. Shame to see that he left the way he did. He seemed to have been satisfied, anyway. :\
I just hope he pops his head in every now and again.

I'm really hoping if he does, he stops the spamming. I don't mind him, but I'll start reporting his posts just as fast as he can post them if they are spam. I've actually been able to read threads now, with a very minimal fear of having something stupid and useless stuck in the middle.
[toj.cc]phantom;273914 said:
I'm really hoping if he does, he stops the spamming. I don't mind him, but I'll start reporting his posts just as fast as he can post them if they are spam. I've actually been able to read threads now, with a very minimal fear of having something stupid and useless stuck in the middle.

That's a bit harsh.
That's a bit harsh.

Its the truth, and I don't care if it sounds harsh or not. I don't come here to read post after post of spam, especially when there is a thread...this one in fact that is just for it. Spam has a place, and it isn't in other threads derailing topics.
MEANWHILE, has anyone ever taken the time to bowl over the name "FISSURE OF WOE!!!" :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Maybe I'm just a fan of the word Woe, but Anet can come up with some pretty dramatic-sounding places. I try to say it to myself sometimes in my best demon voice. Same with Domain of Anguish... I mean, even in the lore, who was supposed to have come up with these names? Can you imagine if there was a place on earth named like that? Even, say, some battleground in Iraq--"The Desert of Woe." It's supposed to be a horrible place, but I think I would laugh every time I heard it. Discuss.

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Like the Depths of DESPAIR!!!?

And I miss C$ as well. I think he spammed too much when I first came to SoE and Toj. But he got better and his spam was not as bad. I should say his spam actually stayed kinda more on topic or was interesting to read.
There are some real world places that have some pretty dramatic names I like just as much as FoW or DoA...

Death Valley being a favorite.
I haven't understood this hard line "no spam ever" thing that's been happening lately. I can understand it in areas like the prayer and advice, and in PvP forums, and in serious threads. But the anti-spam sentiment has kept me out of the General Discussion forum for the most part. I have too much to do to agonize over whether or not something I write that is related to what someone else wrote is adequately on topic.
MM, you have a point.

Who exactly are the hard liners behind the "no spam" movement, may I ask? Anyone know?
MM, you have a point.

Who exactly are the hard liners behind the "no spam" movement, may I ask? Anyone know?

Err, mods in general? I really don't know. All I know is that C$ got ticked enough to... well, we all know.

Let's not dwell.

Has anyone ever contemplated how much money could be made by bumming a buck (or trying to) off of everyone in a college?
That's the question isn't it. Most people I know around would give a dollar... if they had one.

So yeah, out of a college with an enrollment of about 1500 students, I'd probably get $3.42...