wow, after reading ALL 10 pages of this... i now know the true art of "derailing topics"
anyway my Character dont have much meaning to them, but i only play 3 of them

. but after reading this i am gonna start something like what i've seen.
He Who Is The One: (ranger) This is my first Char (which I absolutly adore) and i have taken him through Tyria and most of Factions and now i am traviling to Vabbi in Elona. I made him at my friends house and this is such a cool name. how many people can go around saying they are "the one".
BTW: i do not mean me being "the one" as in Jesus, only "the one." just wanted to make sure no one attacked me with that
Holy is He: (Rit) i wanted to make a character that speaks the truth, and with the ashes of people Holy is He is like one of those, cept they have stuff like "silent was _____".
One Man To Save Us: (Paragon) i wanted him to be One Man To Save Us All (as in Jesus) but GW wouldnt make me. but basically the same thing as Holy is He. and now that i think of it i do have a "one" thing going on. One Man, The One... maybe i could do something like that...
anyway those are my main three chars. i also gots a War in Yaks that is now storage, and i gots a Necro for Pre. and a PvP named "Gg and God Bless" our motto for HoH. (yes i know i am lazy
