Behind our Character names

When I played Shadowbane I was the oldest person in the guild so I named my characters Codger, Fogy, Geezer, etc...

GW forces a second name so I added Old...

P.S. ahem...I'm not the oldest in SoE though...sorry Halonic:)
ArchAngel said:
great,it's a game for dancers. psh.
-20 manly points from ChickenSoup. lol.

It also takes strength, speed, and endurance.


-9992095789284792876 patience points for me as I watch a football game
Maybe we should split the Soccer vs. Football debate into another topic? This topic has officially been hijacked. :p
yeah... sry about that. just can't stand to see soccer being held over football. unless the person is a commie, a mexican or a girl. cultural biases.
Where as I when my thread got Hijacked :0( Maybe I should star a new one that gets made into a sticky so we can show off our Character name with pride :0). Besides we have a few new members now!!
Come on, Mal. Soccer is fun, especially when you play goalie and someone gets a breakaway on you. You basically have license to barrel them over at full speed as long as you at least make contact with the ball. It's especially fun when you're 6'3", 240, can run a 4.8 40 yard dash (like I could when I played goalie in HS), and the namby-pamby soccer weenie coming at you is a 14 year old freshman who is roughly the width of a stalk of wheat. The look of horror on their faces as I left my line was a thing of beauty.
well, I am 6'3 and only 220 lbs... with a good top speed...

it's more fun in football. you can run them over, not just run into them.

soccer, is fun, don't get me wrong. I played many fun games of it, but it is inferior to Basketball and Football. American Football. better than baseball, I will give you that.

here's the top 5 team sports:


if anybody disagrees with it, you are wrong.
ok I disagree......

Paintball (Tournament style)
If you have ever played Tournament paintball it is very much a team game. You can have the best player in the world on the worst team and they will not win.
one2dredd said:
If you have ever played Tournament paintball it is very much a team game. You can have the best player in the world on the worst team and they will not win.

Unlike basketball, eh? :cool:

I've always thought paintball would be a blast - but I've become reluctant to bring it up as a topic of conversation with people I don't know very well. There seems to be a lot of sensitivity to war-like activities these days with some people, thanks to the conflict in Iraq; and at the same time I think there are a lot of people who don't understand that the game has nothing to do with shooting and killing people with real guns, or training one's self to do so. In any case, I hope some time to be able to play, but I'm not too optimistic about finding either the time or money for it any time soon. Maybe when I retire I'll turn into a paintgun-wielding maniac and spend every penny of my retirement income on the newest gadgets and supplies. :)

Now as far as this thread topic goes...I doubt my character's name begs any explanation, so I won't bother. :D

paintball is an awesome sport, I just don't consider it in the same category as b-ball and football. kinda a different animal.
Have you watched Professional Paintball? those are real athetes and it is not really a war game unless you play in the woods. Tournament paintball is like Football,Chess, and Tag all put together.
I used to be in a paintball league... Very fun, But very spendy. Costed me about 50 Dollars a Day, just to buy the paintballs.
ok, back on topic:

The End.

Now, back on topic:

Coco Midnight-
just a cool name i came up with for my regular apearences of dazzling dark pigmented ladies.

Zanthox TwinkleToes-
yeah, he doesnt exist yet (A/W), but he is my alter ego as present in the book series I am writing (+++ points for geeky fantasy nerdness).

Arks Lina -
my alter ego's wife.

Hatin on Satin-
if i ever make a PvP i will use (and re-use) this name

The Apperent Reason-
again, if i ever do it, this shall be my Ranger. i think it is fitting, seeing i hope to operate as the 'apparent reason' for all the miscasting and disruption of all my enemies. yes, corny.

ok, back on subject:
no, no, no. fusball > all.

end of discussion.

course, that's the only 'sport' i'm good at....

all my characters' names are random. either generated random, random from the Bible, or random having to do with what the character does.