Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

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Friday evening may or may not be good for me this week. My wife and I are talking about going out of town to visit some friends in Indiana. It's all dependent on good weather though. We're supposed to get a snow storm on Wednesday or Thursday, and if we do then we aren't going anywhere. If we do end up staying here, then my wife is going to a friends house to do some scrap book stuff...which leaves me at home to play games!

Chances are really good that I'll be out of town though.
Here's what I want to do.

During the month of February, I would like for us to have at least 3 games.  These could be any of the following:

Crimson Skies
Rainbow Six 3
[[Something else perhaps??]]

I am getting the headset tonight, which I am only permitted to use for Christian groups and such.


200th post!
Sounds good, mech assault perhaps? And we should definatley do the same as the cs game earlier, where we do a private game or two then open it up and play with other people.

wo0t 84th post!! lol
MechAssault would work out.

I will be sending emails to those who have the right games and see if they wanna play.
Bummer, I don't have that one anymore...and I didn't like it enough to go get it again.

Three scheduled games in February though...not a problem. We'll make one of them Rainbow Six 3 and/or Counterstrike.

Fridays work best? If that's the case, how does this sound (all tentative).

2/13 - Mech Assault
2/20 - Counterstrike (or another game)
2/27 - Rainbow Six 3 (or another game)
A couple of my buddies and I are looking for at least one person that has Phantasy Star Online for the Xbox who would like to play and roleplay with us for a month. The xbox site I've been managing originally started out as a group dedicated to roleplaying in PSO, and we're all wanting to try to relive some of our old experiences.

If interested, please post a reply to this, email me, or post a message on my board (the address is in my sig).
Hey y'all!

I wanted to let you know that the Tribe of Judah will be holding a game of Crimson Skies on February 13th, 2004 at 8 PM Central Time.

For those needing, here is how it will work out:

Shortly before 8PM, sign on to Xbox Live and put the Crimson Skies game disc in your Xbox. At 8PM, you will recieve a Game Invite from SirThom. Join this match, because this is the Xbox Chapter game, and it will be for ToJ only. At some point, that match will be closed, and a new match that is Public will launch, and you will be invited to that.

Game Settings:

First, we will probably do a Dogfight, or Team Dogfight, then if a member makes a request to play some other game type, then we will change the game.

If you are not online at 8PM Central, then you will still recieve a game invite. Once the match is over, your invite will be revoked.

If you get kicked out or disconnected, STAY ONLINE! This is probably due to network hiccups, or the start of a new game.

I will have the headset on at all times, and will let you will know what's going on in terms of new matches, etc.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you all!
I gotta agree Cleddwr... most fun I've had playing games is at LAN parties at my place or Xbox parties at co-workers places. We had a dozen guys playing Xbox after we all got off work at 2am and played for about 2 hours. They knew it was time to go to bed when I went ahead and beat them all in our final game :P Kinda a "that's it! we obviously can't think clearly anymore... everyone go home!"

And regular LANs are great with yelling and screaming when a target can't see who's shooting them and they go running and jumping across the screen :P
Well, first of all, thank you, Tolkien, for showing up! He, my friends, was the only one.

So instead of playing Crimson Skies, me and Tolkien just played other games until I had to go to bed.

Maybe for the next game some more people will show up?
I do

I dont think many people check this forum...maybe some of the head admins skim over it every once and a while, but not much.
I don't know if anyone except Purefun will read this but...

I'm hanging out at home tonight and I'm gonna be studying spanish (for a quiz tomorrow morning
), but at some point I'll be taking a break to play Counterstrike.

Anyone wanna join me?

...also, purefun, do you still have a list of all the member gamertags? I'd like to get a copy so I can make sure I have everyone added to my list.
(I was gonna post this in the news for Xbox Live at TOJ, but the site isn't working for me right now)

Microsoft recently announced a whole new wave of features for Xbox Live which will be implemented during the next year. One of the features will link the Xbox Live gamertag with MSN Messenger which will allow people on Live to communicate with people using PCs.

This seems like it could be very cool, and I would strongly recommend TOJ Xbox Live members who do not currently have a MSN Messenger account to go to microsoft's site and sign up for one.
hmm...the link isn't working for me.

Anyway, email me the time that you think you will be able to play and I'll set aside about an hour.

It would be cool if some more people would be able to play too.
(I'll have to post in the main forum I guess)
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