OK, kinda matches what I've heard. For whatever reason, strumming 'up' feels more natural for me - like I was playing bass. As I was starting on medium yesterday, it struck me that if I just keep my index finger on the strum bar rather than right below it, I can use that position to strum both up and down, and can do it a lot faster than if I were strumming across the strum bar. I tried it, and it feels different, so threw off my timing a bit, but I think I'm going to use that as my default from now on.
I was wondering about the alternate hand positions. I was thinking that another option would be to always have my index finger on red, and then just stretch to reach green when I need to (or my first two fingers for green-red chords) - the thought being that as my pinky finger is gimp, I'd probably be better off using my index finger to do double-duty.
I'd second your comments about music knowledge. I never played guitar, but did play saxophone in junior high and high school. It makes a big difference. When I was trying to watch the notes to time them, I wasn't doing so well. When I listened to the beat to time them, I do much better. Obviously, you still need to watch carefully, but it's more to distinguish a run of quarter notes from dotted quarter/eighth notes or triplets, as several of the songs, even on easy, can get a little tricky that way.
But I'd agree, it's tons of fun. I'm having to fight my 11 year old son for the controller - fortunately, I'm still bigger. =) And my wife was ROFLing at me, watching me do the 'old white guy rocking out' thing, but I didn't care - I was having too much fun.