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I'll add ya. My brothers play more than me, but we are all around level 13 or so.
I have a friend at my eb games, who is a christian ( I'm extremely lucky as he is the manager and hires mostly christians from what I have seen XD) and he has confirmed for me that the new xbox live hardware (jasper) is actually FULLY FUNCTIONING. In that it doesn't die after a year...

Gamertag: Mrblurr
ToJ: (I haven't got it yet, but soon I will)

Left 4 Dead
Lost Odyssey
Halo 3
Perfect Dark
Guitar Hero 2 and 3

I'm just looking for other Christian Gamers to play with so toss me an invite. Right now I'm on a kick of Left 4 Dead btw.
Yeah, I know what you guys mean. I liked some of GH2 and 3, but World tour just seems to have left over songs that couldn't make the cut, and it's sad that instead of putting some really cool Skillet, Seventh Day Slumber, Kutless, Mute Math, or heaven forbid Relient K in the game, they put in a bunch of old songs no one who liked rock really listened to :(

I do like the World Tour Drums though *air jams*
I have a friend at my eb games, who is a christian ( I'm extremely lucky as he is the manager and hires mostly christians from what I have seen XD) and he has confirmed for me that the new xbox live hardware (jasper) is actually FULLY FUNCTIONING. In that it doesn't die after a year...
That's good to hear, but what I had in mind were independent reports from businesses like Consumer Reports, where they systematically test products and objectively report the results.


/me considers sending an e-mail to Consumer Reports that could help them get the attention of a whole new demographic
The Jasper isn't fail proof by any means, every 360 will eventually RROD. But having the smaller CPU and GPU now helps it run cooler, preventing the solder crack, or something like that. All in all, it's a more stable unit, but it's still going to suffer from the same poor core design as the others at some point.
welcome aboard hope to see u more on the forums and on xbl more. you can also visit us at

god bless and have fun
i will add you we will also have a game night on the system so join the site at my gamertag is ObstinateFever i will be on today so keep a look out foor me
back to "what games". ahem. i have castle crashers and yes it is awesomely fun and funny. my current list is CoD 5, gears 2, CoD 4, lego star wars tcs, halo 3, MoH airborne, fight night 3, burnout revenge. i wouldn't give 50 cents for perfect dark zero, but that's just me. as far as online multiplayer games, just getting together with friends from this site makes the experience euphoric compared with playing alongside a group of foul mouthed, immature people. the main key to this euphoria is being able to play together at the same time. therein lies the problem, but hopefully with the new batch of xbl members on board here, we can get some game on and hopefully spread a little of the gospel while we're at it. what say ya'll? (i'm an okie, sorry:))
welcome he is truth. my gamertag is Alias75 on 360 and PS3. i welcome any friend requests on either system. xavier, that is the funniest avatar EVER!! i wish i could put that on my 360.
Gamertag: Alias75
ToJ username: Alias75
games: gears of war 2
call of duty 4 and 5
halo 3
lego star wars: the complete saga
burnout revenge
medal of honor: airborne
fight night round 3

XBLA Games:
castle crashers
street fighter hyper edition
smash tv
tmnt arcade

i welcome any friend requests because bad company corrupts good character.(1 corinthians 15:33)
Actually that avatar haunts me in my dreams. We are moving into a 2nd floor apartment with our twins (20months old) and the only entrance is a huge flight of stairs... I am so scared of them falling like that animation!
(i'm an okie, sorry:))
From Oklahoma, eh? Elihu lives there, too, but I don't think he plays his 360 much since getting Warhammer Online and Left 4 Dead. You might try sending him a PM, though.


If/when I do get a 360, I'm hoping at least a few of you will have copies of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD to play against me.
I'm playing Left 4 Dead at the moment, I'm also trying to play FEAR on Live to get some achievements, then probably Halo 3, so if anyone wants to join me or add me my Gamertag should be in my sig by now.

Oh, and saw Castle Crashers mentioned and had no idea what it was so I clicked the Youtube vid...and I WILL be downloading that! It looks freaking something Strongbad would sponsor.

Oh, and I'm from Oklahoma also, hehe
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Viva Pinata

So I brought two xbox360 games yesterday. One for me and one for my young niece who is staying with us over Christmas.

For me I brought The darkness, which despite the reviews was horrible let along not something I think I should be playing. Turned that off after 5 minutes and put on Viva Pinata to check it out. Intro is terrible, overly childish and the tutorial is done in a strange English accent. Anyway keep on and ended up playing the game with my wife until past midnight. The game is strangely very appealing. One of the most creative and fun experiences I have had for a while. All this to say if you can get past the bubble gum tellie tubbie package this is a gem of a game.
how about a little finer pinpoint on your location. i am in fort gibson, which is about 40 miles east of tulsa. i have elihu on my friends list, but have never been on when he is.
baby gates are an ingenious invention. my 2 1/2 year old gets mad when we put it up, but he gets over it. the fact that we put it up, i mean. ha
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