So, after many hours of co-op through the night... I love it. I never played the first, but the tutorial makes it easy to understand. There is a lot of blood, but not puddles and puddles like something like the old MK games would show. Well, one part is VERY bloody, but it's a short scene that doesn't involve killing.

It's an intense ride, I enjoyed the story and the scale of everything was... epic and beefy.
But I didn't like the swearing even with the Strong Language filter on. Sometimes the in-game captions/subtitles would have the Holy S-word, or sometimes they didn't edit out the spoken S-word. And other times when sniping, Dom would say "'Sup, B----es?" when he got a headshot. There's still plenty of Hell's, D-mn's, B-stard's, etc. It's like a PG-13 movie pretty much.
With the blood filter on, the baddies just go down without the body parts flying off. And the body Chainsaw move will only show a lot of sparks, so if you're not a fan for blood, this is pretty nice.
I just got Gold Live, so I only did Horde co-op. Man that's fun! Only got like 6 or 7th wave, but I really enjoyed working with my brother to survive. ^_^ Yeah, it's a Short (10+ hours on Co-Op with plenty of reloading checkpoints

) but I can see the Multiplayer having people stick around for longer.
And my brother who isn't a fan of shooters actually tried it... and liked it.