A new and improved the person below me part V

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False, I am sure that I don't need anymore nekkid mole rats to look at.

The person below me is hoping the weather gets warmer soon.
Always.....but its forcast for -30 C next week /sigh

The person below me thinks the person above me didn't know what a conumdrum was.
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How can a person be "about" you??

Anyway, false. I know what a conundrum is tyvm.

The person below me has never spammed in their life.
I cannot tell a lie, I chopped down the Cherry Tree. (and I've spammed)

The person below me likes butter better than margarine.
Mostly true, I like spread margarine on soft breads otherwise, its butter baby.

The person below me wonders why Deuteronomy is honoring me by putting my name in the middle of his crest.
Alright since I broke it let me fix it....

True, why is Icthus written in greek on Deuteronomy's crest?

The person below me is craving a red vine right now.
False. A red vine? perhaps you meant red wine? Not sure what was intended here.

The person below me has had an awesome concoction called chocolate gravy with homemade biscuits before.
False.....but anything chocolate can't be bad can it?

The person below me puts ketchup on their macaroni and cheese.
True, I do wonder why?

The person below me knows what we are wondering why about
False. I do not know why we are wondering why .

The person below me has recently helped someone in the game, not in our guild, just to be friendly.
False, I long for the days of the future. The eternal one, that is.

The person below me has hugged their kids today.

EDIT: Curse you, Laguna!!!

The person below me is going to stop responding to this thread, because they always get Ninja'd when they try to answer.
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