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Heroic Naxx Run - 5/18 Recap
/Casts uber long wall of text:
Thanks to everyone for coming out last night, and it's always great to get the guild together for a large run. I really enjoy the comraderie, fun, wisecracks, and fellowship. I'd also like to point out that this is not a "progression run." We have not placed a defined goal of conquering "X" number of wings/quarters per run, etc.
However, in my opinion, we were a bit off our game last night. I think this was due to a number of factors. Many of us are well geared (even for 25man Naxx) and that can create a false sense of security. Secondly, the play - particularly towards the end was a bit sloppy. (/Points finger at self.) Every group/raid can suffer from an off night - no biggie. That being said, I feel it's important to recognize that fact, analyze what went wrong, and move beyond it for next time. In approximately 3 hours of time we downed a total of four bosses. We gave the Military Quarter and Instructor Razuvious a go, but this was the first time our Priests had to Tank him. It's a complex fight that has caused our 10 mans more than a few wipes. This is even harder with 25 due to all of the bodies and chaos running around. Are we capable of the encounter - most definitely yes. The Instructor shouldn't get too comfortable, because we will be back.
Patchwerk and Grobbulus were dispatched cleanly and efficiently and were models of what this group can do, and do well. Two-shotted Gluth and our 2nd attempt went quite well when we had 3 tanks on the zombie chow. Just a slight change to our tactic for a great encounter success. Thaddius (IMHO) went very well tactics wise. Great job in keeping the DPS even on Fuegen and Stalag and once we got to Thadd (minus a couple of deaths) the coordination on polarity changes (-/+) and stacking of DPS was spot on. Only improvement there is bumping up our overall DPS on the boss to beat the enrage timer.
First boss in spider went down quite easily which again bolstered (a bit too much maybe?) our confidence. We went for the achievement on the Grand Widow (wiped) and tried again the regular way and wiped in the appropriate (thanks SGA) death order of Apollux -> Xandar -> Zenoir. OK, maybe Adam didn't do his job right because he was not the third to die on our second attempt. However, this stage of the night is where we got a bit sloppy and the group's coordination was just not there.
Can we do better? Most definitely yes (and we have). Should we worry about it? No. What I'd like to emphasize is that we maintain a balance between fun and raid progression. Let's keep the chatter down when we get to the bosses (and Military Quarter Trash Mobs) and focus on the task at hand. Mike has a gift for detailed fight explanations so let's respect that and let him speak without interruption. Of course, as we learned, that IS NOT the time for a Toy Train set to be used...
Another facet of our success is Raid Prep. Minor things which lead to the success and efficiency of the raid. Runs are posted in Group Calendar. If you sign up, please show up (on time). If you will be late, please let us know via the forums or in game (thanks Sean and JJ). Are your repaired, have your flasks & elixirs? Food - thanks to all who have invested the time and effort into bringing Fish Feasts. We have no one "designated" in this role for our run and in my opinion, you are responsible for your own food. Having fish feasts (to me) is a bonus, not an expectation. As I've mentioned before, try as I may, I just can't do the e-fishing on WoW thing. So I really appreciate those who do.
Loot rules/expectations have been posted before. Main spec/class gets first priority: Healers - Healing gear, Leather - Druids/Rogues, etc. If there is no one interested the gear will be open for off-spec rolls which means any class/role who can use/benefit from the gear. I'd like that to stay on a friendly loot basis as well. If you won an off-spec roll, please refrain from rolling again if someone else is interested who hasn't won anything yet.
We'll get another run posted for June 1st which gives us two weeks to get ready!! In all seriousness, I do have a goal of finishing Heroic Naxx as a guild. Once we can down Thaddius, Instructor Razuvious, and The Four Horseman we are "ready" for Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad. At that point we can openly discuss interest in a two night run in order to clear the instance. No rush from my perspective, just something to throw out there.
/Casts uber long wall of text:
Thanks to everyone for coming out last night, and it's always great to get the guild together for a large run. I really enjoy the comraderie, fun, wisecracks, and fellowship. I'd also like to point out that this is not a "progression run." We have not placed a defined goal of conquering "X" number of wings/quarters per run, etc.
However, in my opinion, we were a bit off our game last night. I think this was due to a number of factors. Many of us are well geared (even for 25man Naxx) and that can create a false sense of security. Secondly, the play - particularly towards the end was a bit sloppy. (/Points finger at self.) Every group/raid can suffer from an off night - no biggie. That being said, I feel it's important to recognize that fact, analyze what went wrong, and move beyond it for next time. In approximately 3 hours of time we downed a total of four bosses. We gave the Military Quarter and Instructor Razuvious a go, but this was the first time our Priests had to Tank him. It's a complex fight that has caused our 10 mans more than a few wipes. This is even harder with 25 due to all of the bodies and chaos running around. Are we capable of the encounter - most definitely yes. The Instructor shouldn't get too comfortable, because we will be back.
Patchwerk and Grobbulus were dispatched cleanly and efficiently and were models of what this group can do, and do well. Two-shotted Gluth and our 2nd attempt went quite well when we had 3 tanks on the zombie chow. Just a slight change to our tactic for a great encounter success. Thaddius (IMHO) went very well tactics wise. Great job in keeping the DPS even on Fuegen and Stalag and once we got to Thadd (minus a couple of deaths) the coordination on polarity changes (-/+) and stacking of DPS was spot on. Only improvement there is bumping up our overall DPS on the boss to beat the enrage timer.
First boss in spider went down quite easily which again bolstered (a bit too much maybe?) our confidence. We went for the achievement on the Grand Widow (wiped) and tried again the regular way and wiped in the appropriate (thanks SGA) death order of Apollux -> Xandar -> Zenoir. OK, maybe Adam didn't do his job right because he was not the third to die on our second attempt. However, this stage of the night is where we got a bit sloppy and the group's coordination was just not there.
Can we do better? Most definitely yes (and we have). Should we worry about it? No. What I'd like to emphasize is that we maintain a balance between fun and raid progression. Let's keep the chatter down when we get to the bosses (and Military Quarter Trash Mobs) and focus on the task at hand. Mike has a gift for detailed fight explanations so let's respect that and let him speak without interruption. Of course, as we learned, that IS NOT the time for a Toy Train set to be used...
Another facet of our success is Raid Prep. Minor things which lead to the success and efficiency of the raid. Runs are posted in Group Calendar. If you sign up, please show up (on time). If you will be late, please let us know via the forums or in game (thanks Sean and JJ). Are your repaired, have your flasks & elixirs? Food - thanks to all who have invested the time and effort into bringing Fish Feasts. We have no one "designated" in this role for our run and in my opinion, you are responsible for your own food. Having fish feasts (to me) is a bonus, not an expectation. As I've mentioned before, try as I may, I just can't do the e-fishing on WoW thing. So I really appreciate those who do.
Loot rules/expectations have been posted before. Main spec/class gets first priority: Healers - Healing gear, Leather - Druids/Rogues, etc. If there is no one interested the gear will be open for off-spec rolls which means any class/role who can use/benefit from the gear. I'd like that to stay on a friendly loot basis as well. If you won an off-spec roll, please refrain from rolling again if someone else is interested who hasn't won anything yet.
We'll get another run posted for June 1st which gives us two weeks to get ready!! In all seriousness, I do have a goal of finishing Heroic Naxx as a guild. Once we can down Thaddius, Instructor Razuvious, and The Four Horseman we are "ready" for Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad. At that point we can openly discuss interest in a two night run in order to clear the instance. No rush from my perspective, just something to throw out there.