2012 Christian LAN event?

That is crazy. This year we flew people for $200 from DFW and Austin. I bet prices could fall as the time gets closer.
I'm intrigued. Doubly interested if it's in Texas (I miss the state... sue me) and triply available if it's in the southwest of 'merica (living outside LA and all). No telling what I'll be doing for work at that time, though, so I have no way to say "I'll be available." Would definitely be awesome, though.

I can cook, too! :D
Starting at the bottom, I am Lead Pastor. It is okay if we host the event for free. That was easy.

Dates- Doesn't really matter to me, as long as we stay away from Easter and my daughter's High School Graduation in late June.
How does next early August sound? That would probably be most compatible with the most schedules (thinking mostly of college students and parents with kids in grade school and high school).

Location- Armonk, NY about 30 minutes outside of Manhattan. That is New York City for some of you who don't know.
For some reason, I was thinking you lived on the West Coast.

I'd love to visit my extended family in New York and New Jersey eventually, but short of a miracle, there's no way Ember and I will be able to afford the trip before next August. :(

But back to the main point: Yes, I'd love to help do what I can to set up a Northeast CGA LAN event. Having the venue available for free would give us a terrific head start on planning.

EDIT: It also sounds like there's interest in a CGA LAN event in Texas. Does anyone in Texas have any leads on or suggestions for a venue?
Most of August is open. However, we have a pretty large VBS we do mid August. But, if you are thinking early that should work.

Yes event hosting is free. Camping out at the church is free. I can probably offer showers since I live on Campus.

We have Verizon Fios and WiFi capabilities. If you want zero lag of LAN would need peeps to help make that happen. We have no large routers for that stuff.

As, I stated before, we do have a full kitchen so doing the Hostel thing is an option.

There is a hotel 5 minutes away for those that want one. It is a LaQuinta so rates are not stupid crazy.

How many days are you thinking? Are you planning a week or weekend event?
EDIT: It also sounds like there's interest in a CGA LAN event in Texas. Does anyone in Texas have any leads on or suggestions for a venue?

Concerning the possibility of Texas, the only thing I can think of is meeting at Quakecon in Dallas. The event is free and there is more to do than just gaming. There are exhibits, vendors, and tournaments, pro and amateur, along with the BYOC (Bring you own computer/console) floor for the 3 day event.

Besides having a church host a LAN event, this may be the next best thing, if not the cheapest. I don't know of any other Christians that goes to QC, other than myself, and it would be great to see some fellow brothers and sisters in Christ come help represent.
Early August may be iffy for me. Those on the Leadership team return early to school to prepare for the new and returning students. This year I came back August 2nd I believe.

I most likely probably wouldn't be able to make an East Coast event, but Texas is very do-able.

Icthus: If you're in NY, why does it say you live in California? Conspiracy!!
So how about Florida? I know people there :P

Ps. Im messing with ya right now.... in case you couldn't deduce that...
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Most of August is open. However, we have a pretty large VBS we do mid August. But, if you are thinking early that should work.
How about Friday, August 3 through Sunday, August 5? Or Friday, August 10 through Sunday, August 12?

Yes event hosting is free. Camping out at the church is free. I can probably offer showers since I live on Campus.

We have Verizon Fios and WiFi capabilities. If you want zero lag of LAN would need peeps to help make that happen. We have no large routers for that stuff.
Maybe some local techies would have a few 24-port or 48-port routers on hand?

How many days are you thinking? Are you planning a week or weekend event?
I was thinking Friday night through Sunday afternoon, with all major events taking place on Saturday. But it would ultimately be up to you, since it would be hosted at your church.

So how about Florida? I know people there :P

Ps. Im messing with ya right now.... in case you couldn't deduct that...
I know you said you're kidding, but I'd be fine with helping arrange a Florida CGA LAN event, too.

Concerning the possibility of Texas, the only thing I can think of is meeting at Quakecon in Dallas. The event is free and there is more to do than just gaming. There are exhibits, vendors, and tournaments, pro and amateur, along with the BYOC (Bring you own computer/console) floor for the 3 day event.
Aye, but that would be more of a, "Hey, who else is going to QuakeCon? Let's meet up at location X" than a CGA LAN event proper. Still a great idea, though, and please make a thread with that question closer to when QuakeCon starts.

Besides having a church host a LAN event, this may be the next best thing, if not the cheapest. I don't know of any other Christians that goes to QC, other than myself, and it would be great to see some fellow brothers and sisters in Christ come help represent.
Agreed. :)
Either seem okay to me.

Do you want to take it off line to discuss more?

I have never been to one of these geekfests LAN's. We did Wifi in the Meathammers and numbers were smaller.
what is the object of the lan? What games will we be playing? lol the questions that need to be asked.
Do you want to take it off line to discuss more?
Sounds good. Send me a PM and I'll reply with my cell phone number.

I have never been to one of these geekfests LAN's.
Then you have missed out, sir.

We did Wifi in the Meathammers and numbers were smaller.
I'm guessing that was a reference to Warhammer.

what is the object of the lan?
To have fun playing games with other Christian gamers, to encourage each other in the faith (I'm guessing most who attend a LAN at Icthus' church would attend a Sunday morning church service since they're already there), and, if the opportunity presents itself, preach Christ to non-Christians.

What games will we be playing?
That's up to the organizers and those attending. You can tell people, "Hey, we're going to play Half-Life Deathmatch," but if no one owns the game (which would be silly; HLDM is possibly THE greatest LAN game ever), they won't be able to play it.

"What games are people going to be playing at the LAN?" is a question that is usually answered closer to the event date. The answers usually (not always) include the most popular FPS and RTS games at the time with a smaller percentage of people playing older games and MMOs.
same here bro. I have a lot of expenses to figure out for 2012 but that would be awesome for a west coast *coughseattlecough* event.

Seconded! Seattle area would be awesome. And I'm sure if it happened in Portland I could get there.

However without a home church, I don't have anywhere to suggest at this time.
I'm totally going to NY for this LAN thing, given I dont have any school plans that state otherwise.