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    Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter you mean a cheater? I guess I'm a 'modder'..since my xbox is modded? Modding my xbox and cheating are two completely different things though..
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    cts clan

    Yeah, and they used to have something like 10 different servers, including CS, DOD, private cs. Most were public cs though.
  3. P

    Anybody play EA's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (XBX, GCN, PS2)?

    Yup..I soldered a usb plug to my xbox I can use my xbox controller with my computer. I installed the drivers for it, and it works!
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    cts clan

    Yeah..there was a thread about it a couple weeks ago..
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    Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

    Halo 2 + XBConnect Anyone still playing Halo 2? Just wondering..I've recently dusted off my xbox and begun playing online again. I'm currently using XBConnect to play online, because my xbox is modded and I'm not sure of the status of my xbox live account. Would anyone be interested in...
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    [link] Enemy Nations - The Best Game You Never Played

    The site looks like poo, so I'm wary to download it. Has anyone tried the game or have screenshots? I saw this on digg. :)
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    Christian CS Servers

    Hi, welcome to the CGA forums. :) Sometime last year I compiled a list of christian servers for many games, but I did not keep it updated, and many of the servers went down or changed ips. Here is a list of christian gameservers taken from I will personally vouch for BwP...
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    Pie Vs. Cake

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    GFC Source Server the source server still up?
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    Clan Tag

    Only if its ice cream cake..or other good cake. not all cake is good..but many is. :)
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    [SELL] selling stuff, again

    Ebay.. :) I would be interested in the ram, but its a little I can buy new Kingston ram PC3200 low latency for $35 canadian.. :) Besides I'm poor again so I can't buy more ram..what are you thinking Pilgy??
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    Need Help :)
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    Need Help

    Ahh, I remember this. If I remember correctly, there is water under the ramp, and you have to go through the tunnel that's on the land..on the left side (if looking in the direction of the first picture), and there are some barrels or something that you have to push into the water, and then use...
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    CS: Source?

    Just got a small upgrade on my comp. CS: Source performs great at Max settings w/o AA. :) I'm Back!! :D
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    DEAL! :) BF2 & SF

    Doh! my $25 off coupon is for amazon.CA. And this deal isn't valid on .ca. :( I will have to look in local computer stores I guess.. I refuse to pay $60 for it at Futureshop / Best buy.
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    Merry Christmas

    :) Merry Christmas