Anybody play EA's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (XBX, GCN, PS2)?


New Member
I was thinking about picking it up, as it's a Platinum Hit now (on Xbox). I know it's basically a hack and slash game, but I was wondering if anyone had played it. If you had, I was wondering what you thought of it.
It's not bad, though the characters' mouths don't move when there's talking, so it kinda looks weird. I reccommend The Two Towers video game more so the than the Return of the King game. The graphics are better too.
Jango said:
It's not bad, though the characters' mouths don't move when there's talking, so it kinda looks weird. I reccommend The Two Towers video game more so the than the Return of the King game. The graphics are better too.

What? Two Towers was published before Return of the King. IGN Xbox would seem to differ with you. Why do you think Two Towers is better?
I just played the PC demo that has you in control of Gandalf during the siege of Minas Tirith. The game appears to be pretty cool, but the keyboard/mouse set up is abhorrent. How PC Gamers play anything more than strategy games and the occasional FPS is absolutely perplexing.

PC games have RPGs that actually do more than stink, they have RTSs, they have awesome FPSs (like the SW: Battlefront series, Battlefield II, etc.), and more. Now CONSOLE gamers... >.<
ChickenSoup said:
PC games have RPGs that actually do more than stink, they have RTSs, they have awesome FPSs (like the SW: Battlefront series, Battlefield II, etc.), and more. Now CONSOLE gamers... >.<

Battlefront and Battlefield are nearly identical. The only area where PC Games should be preferred is in strategy, particularly the multitask madness that is RTS games. Everything else belongs in the realm of console. You could argue that the keyboard/mouse combo is more effective for FPS games then your standard issue console controller, but upon the arrival of the Nintendo Revolution, consoles will take that treasured "hill" of precision.

The death knell for PC Games approaches, now come the days of the console!!!
I used to think consoles were better, but have come full circle. Consoles offer FAR less options, customization and detail than PC games (in general).
Mr_Slice said:
I used to think consoles were better, but have come full circle. Consoles offer FAR less options, customization and detail than PC games (in general).

Though I disagree (outside of modding), even if I concede to that opinion, what's the point if the controls suck?
i have the cube version of 2 towers. i think its excellent. addicting, but when you beat the game, you play each of the missions over and over... but there are cheats, so it DOES have more replay value than you think it would have.

i haven't played the return of the king tho. i suggest 2 towers also, it's cheap by now. and it's fun!
Millions of people would disagree about that, Ice. The controls for PC games do not suck. They are different, that's all. Actually they give you much broader options and more control, and if you really wanted to you could use a gamepad on PC games anyway and play them just like a console game. Can't plug a mouse and a keyboard into a PS2 and have the reverse work I'm afraid.
Yup..I soldered a usb plug to my xbox I can use my xbox controller with my computer. I installed the drivers for it, and it works!
IceBladePOD said:
What? Two Towers was published before Return of the King. IGN Xbox would seem to differ with you. Why do you think Two Towers is better?
In dialogue scenes in the two towers there is lip-syncing by the characters, in the return of the king there is none. The graphics in the two towers are also superior. Finally, the two towers story follows closer to the actual LotR storyline.

And people, this isn't a topic about whether consoles or computers are superior. Both have their pros and cons.
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Mr_Slice said:
Millions of people would disagree about that, Ice. The controls for PC games do not suck. They are different, that's all. Actually they give you much broader options and more control, and if you really wanted to you could use a gamepad on PC games anyway and play them just like a console game. Can't plug a mouse and a keyboard into a PS2 and have the reverse work I'm afraid.

Millions of people? So the PC Gamer demographic hasn't slipped into the hundreds of thousands yet?

I understand that the keyboard/mouse setup offer significantly more options in terms of input. This can be crucial regarding genres that practically demand as many control options as possible, especially Real-Time Strategy. However, I believe in most cases, the keyboard/mouse combo is uncomfotable and unwieldy.

While the highly vaunted mouse offers "precise aiming" in PC First-Person Shooter games, you loose the ability to differentiate your movement speed. This may not seem like a large sacrafice, but this hampers first person perspective games with platform elements. Would Metroid Prime play better on the PC then it would on the GameCube? Absolutely not.

So, outside of offering a bountiful amount of input options for Real-Time Strategy (Especially when you need to access everything at a moment's notice) and precision aiming for FPS games, the keyboard/mouse setup isn't more beneficial then your standard issue dual-analog stick controller.

People can say they prefer the keyboard/mouse combo for more than just RTS and FPS games, but you have to seriously question whether or not they've ever picked up a videogame controller before.

Does King Kong control better on PC then its console counterparts? Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones? Splinter Cell: Chaos Thoery (When you aren't trying to shoot anything)?

FPS and RTS are the two genres where it's easy to see that the keyboard/mouse combo (Especially RTS) are better suited for control then console controllers. Once the Revolution arrives, that'll leave only the Real-Time Strategy genre for PCs. Given that most RTS games are babysitting onscreen chaos as efficient as possible, that doesn't leave much.

w00t, bring on Metroid Prime 3.
Alright, I decided to make a second post because this one returns to the original topic.

I checked four different retail locations, and none of them had The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

Maybe I'll check out Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes.
Mr_Slice said:
Millions of people would disagree about that, Ice. The controls for PC games do not suck. They are different, that's all. Actually they give you much broader options and more control, and if you really wanted to you could use a gamepad on PC games anyway and play them just like a console game. Can't plug a mouse and a keyboard into a PS2 and have the reverse work I'm afraid.

I played FFXI on both PS2 and PC. Plug your USB keyboard and mouse into the PS2 and it plays exactly the same. I imagine it will be the same when it comes out on XBox 360.