[link] Enemy Nations - The Best Game You Never Played

The site looks like poo, so I'm wary to download it. Has anyone tried the game or have screenshots? I saw this on digg. :)
I tried it. The game's UI is sub par. The graphics look horrid on my machine (1150x860 @32bit true color). I had no clue what was going on or how to modify things. The UI uses small icons without any tooltips, but rather a secondary text area would pop up the behaviour of the button you have your mouse over. I've rarely seen UI's as bad as this.

Standard RTS behaviours such as being able to right-click a unit to get a menu of options did not behave as expected. Standard keyboard controls of a selected unit did not behave as expected. In fact, i'm not sure if I ever actually got a unit selected.

All in all, I was not impressed.