Search results

  1. P

    NOOOOO!!!! *sob*

    I'm pretty sure the riaa is just for music piracy..not games?
  2. P


    I'm in, I remembered my login on the cal site.
  3. P

    That's it, MM! That is IT!

    big billz
  4. P

    Introducing myself...

  5. P

    Earth 2160

    Heh, I'm still playing Red Alert.
  6. P

    Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

    Spamming your website.. Thumbs down Many ads.. Thumbs down Slow website.. Thumbs down Hosting on Tripod.. Thumbs down Andy Hunter Music.. Thumbs up!
  7. P

    Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

    Me too. :(
  8. P


  9. P

    server IP?

    We actually don't have a CS: Source server at the moment..but there are lots of christian source servers. Click here for a list.
  10. P

    Unreal Tournament 2003

    Yeah..I picked it up mostly to play with my friend on cost me $7 plus taxes..Canadian. I will pickup Unreal 2004 soon..or maybe wait for Unreal 2007. Thank you for the info Kraniac!
  11. P

    The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II

    Nope..I'll have to try the demo
  12. P

    Steam Friends BETA

  13. P

    Unreal Tournament 2003

    I'm thinking of picking up Unreal Tournament 2003, a store near me is selling it for $9.99 CAD ( its called 'The Source'). This is not what you all play, correct? You play 2004? What are the main differences between UT2003 and 2004? I'm not planning on playing a lot, I liked...
  14. P

    New Site: The Console (Video Game Information)

    Looks cool, I will have to submit some stuff sometime..I don't buy many games..but I 'do' try them often.
  15. P


  16. P

    Anyone read Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz?

    Still reading it, its great so far! :)
  17. P

    CS:1.6 players post here

    I usually pm someone on xfire to hop on there with me, and it fills up pretty quickly
  18. P

    CS:1.6 players post here Tempoary TOJ CS 1.6