I would like to start off by thanking Tek7 and those involved for allowing me this opportunity. It's been a long time since I've been involved with a gaming group, or clan if you will. I hope I have something of value to offer the group.
My name is Anthony, I'm 33 and live in Chicago, friends call me Tony. I'm engaged and have a 3 month old son.
I've been playing on line games since the days of Half Life death match and Quake CTF, around 8 or 9 years now. I played all the mods finally settling on Team Fortress Classic. I do play CS, DoD, JKII, UT, MoHAA on occasion.
I guess my "professional" career in TFC started around 2000 when I was a regular on a popular pub at the time, VxD 24hr Badlands. Those were some of the best times of my gaming life, such great people there. I and a few of the other regulars attempted forming our own clan but it really never took off. The server we played on was shut down and we shortly found another home, but I guess we were lost without our familiar surroundings so we decided to call our clan -LosT-, kind of a joke at first but it was catchy. We registered for OGL but again we couldn't get it together.
In 2001 myself and 2 other friends formed C|i out of the remaining players, this time we had the resources and time to do it right. We had our own server hosted on a friend's T1 plus a nice website designed by one of the members. We crawled up the OGL ladder with some success and had a great time doing it. The clan expanded and we had a few matches in TFL as well. During this time I came across a very nice player named Tek7 who introduced me to ToJ and the Christian Gamers Alliance which I didn't know existed (so I guess if you don't like me you can blame him HAHA). I had a conflict of interest with one of the other clan leaders and I resigned. I was picked up by a fantastic clan named [RzP] shortly after for offensive Medic and defensive Soldier but personal life prevented me from getting really involved. So for the last year or two I've been retired but I still play TFC regularly in a few choice pubs.
As far as my personal life goes, it hasn't been the greatest. As everyone knows your faith can be tested, through loss and temptation, taking the easy road, etc. For the longest time I had wondered if I was forgotten about or if God even existed, but the meeting of my fiance and the birth of my son changed my life and restored my faith. No one can tell me that God does not have a hand in childbirth, he was in the room the night my son was born.
I've come a long way but I know I have so much more work to do and I hope being around such good people will help me stay on the right path, the Lord knows it's not easy.
Sorry for being long winded, I do have a knack for technical writing
Thank you and God bless.
Tony aka [toj.cc]turn_key
My name is Anthony, I'm 33 and live in Chicago, friends call me Tony. I'm engaged and have a 3 month old son.
I've been playing on line games since the days of Half Life death match and Quake CTF, around 8 or 9 years now. I played all the mods finally settling on Team Fortress Classic. I do play CS, DoD, JKII, UT, MoHAA on occasion.
I guess my "professional" career in TFC started around 2000 when I was a regular on a popular pub at the time, VxD 24hr Badlands. Those were some of the best times of my gaming life, such great people there. I and a few of the other regulars attempted forming our own clan but it really never took off. The server we played on was shut down and we shortly found another home, but I guess we were lost without our familiar surroundings so we decided to call our clan -LosT-, kind of a joke at first but it was catchy. We registered for OGL but again we couldn't get it together.
In 2001 myself and 2 other friends formed C|i out of the remaining players, this time we had the resources and time to do it right. We had our own server hosted on a friend's T1 plus a nice website designed by one of the members. We crawled up the OGL ladder with some success and had a great time doing it. The clan expanded and we had a few matches in TFL as well. During this time I came across a very nice player named Tek7 who introduced me to ToJ and the Christian Gamers Alliance which I didn't know existed (so I guess if you don't like me you can blame him HAHA). I had a conflict of interest with one of the other clan leaders and I resigned. I was picked up by a fantastic clan named [RzP] shortly after for offensive Medic and defensive Soldier but personal life prevented me from getting really involved. So for the last year or two I've been retired but I still play TFC regularly in a few choice pubs.
As far as my personal life goes, it hasn't been the greatest. As everyone knows your faith can be tested, through loss and temptation, taking the easy road, etc. For the longest time I had wondered if I was forgotten about or if God even existed, but the meeting of my fiance and the birth of my son changed my life and restored my faith. No one can tell me that God does not have a hand in childbirth, he was in the room the night my son was born.
I've come a long way but I know I have so much more work to do and I hope being around such good people will help me stay on the right path, the Lord knows it's not easy.
Sorry for being long winded, I do have a knack for technical writing

Thank you and God bless.
Tony aka [toj.cc]turn_key