New Site: The Console (Video Game Information)


New Member
The Console

Me and my friend Mike have launched The Console. The concept of this site is much like The Music Wire, in that users can add to or edit a database of game information. Eventually, we hope to expand the site by introducing reviews, downloads, screenshots and much more.

Anyway, go check the site out and let me know what you think!
I refuse to visit!!! :D

I signed up on The Music Wire and added the info for the Hearts of the Innocent cd recently released by Kutless and it hasn't shown up on there yet. That was a week or two ago. Therefore, I refuse to visit The Console!!! :p

I'm just glad it's called The Console, which implies that it is a site for console gaming. I'm working on a site of my own called The DMZ, which will focus on PC Gaming. You can preview it at Please note that it isn't finished yet but I welcome any input.
I signed up on The Music Wire and added the info for the Hearts of the Innocent cd recently released by Kutless and it hasn't shown up on there yet. That was a week or two ago. Therefore, I refuse to visit The Console!!!
D'OH!! I apologize for must've slipped through my e-mail system. I approve the CD for ya. =)

I'm just glad it's called The Console, which implies that it is a site for console gaming.
Yes, it does imply that. However, that isn't to say that there simply won't be any PC games on the site. While console games will be the site's focus, PC games may get added if users so choose.
michaelpi said:
vey nice but did you use the same dasin from the music wire?
Thanks! Yes, it is the same design except for the colors. I wanted to keep the continuity between the two sites intact, as well as with possible future projects.
I submitted Five Iron Frenzy as an artist to test out the music wire, but that seems to have not gotten approved yet either.
Killerah said:
I submitted Five Iron Frenzy as an artist to test out the music wire, but that seems to have not gotten approved yet either.
Actually, there were incomplete details that you gave, which I explain in my message to you. Just log in and click "My Messages" on the left side, and you'll see a better explanation as to why your submission wasn't accepted.

Updates to The Music Wire are coming so that users know when a new message has arrived. =D

Please, everyone, keep in mind these sites ARE in beta, meaning anything can happen. It may not be the highest quality site yet, but I assure you they will be improved on as time goes by.
Wow, looks like half info is worse than no info. If you still have the submission, could you just take out the parts you don't like? Because I'd rather not have to find all that stuff and re-submit it.
Killerah said:
Wow, looks like half info is worse than no info. If you still have the submission, could you just take out the parts you don't like? Because I'd rather not have to find all that stuff and re-submit it.
There are contribution guidelines that clearly state that if you're going to submit data, make sure it's complete. Only the artist name was required, so if you don't know the other details, then it's not a problem.

I don't have the submission any longer, but I can add the artist for you if you want.


Wow -- only a little positive response via this thread so far. =(
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Hehe, sorry if I sounded rude there (I tend to do that). I might submit some more stuff, just not right now ;). Guess I should have read the guidelines first.
Killerah said:
Hehe, sorry if I sounded rude there (I tend to do that). I might submit some more stuff, just not right now ;). Guess I should have read the guidelines first.
=) Not a problem.