

I want one. I am going to see if I can buy one of the 500-song ones for 160 or 170 dollars instead of the 934,862,893,485 song ones for 400 dollars or the 987,867 ones for 300 dollars.

And yes, it will be a black one

astrod00d said:
Get a Creative Zen instead. iPods are fragile and iTunes is a horrible program.
Care to explain why a Zen is better, iPods are fragile, or how iTunes is "horrible"? =P
iTunes eats lots of resources and stuff. I tried it about a year ago and didn't like it at all, it came across to me as an apple "different... because... well... hey, we're different" program. I prefer winamp, simple, lightweight, and full featured (and very expandable). Plus it integrates with my litestep theme. iPods however are pretty freaking sweet (the new ones at least), I'm lusting after a 60 GB black with video support. Don't think I'll bother to get one anytime soon though. I've heard they don't have as good of sound quality as some of the other players, right now I use a rio Karma. It's a decent player, but buggy at times, and supposedly the hard drive will crap out on me later on but I haven't experienced too many problems yet. It sounds great too, shame about rio going out of buisness. I got the player about a year ago for around $160 (that's why I went with it). But yeah, if I hadn't bought that then, I would probably be buying an iPod now.
*note this is comeing from a apple computer owner*
Yeah? And what's wrong with that? =D

iTunes eats lots of resources and stuff.
I will agree that iTunes does feel a bit bloated, but it only uses 7 MB more memory than Windows Media Player 8 when idle. =) However, iTunes has gotten a lot better over the years.

I've heard they don't have as good of sound quality as some of the other players
I think the sound quality on iPod is excellent. And, unless you're a real audiophile, you won't notice a difference in quality.

Also, if you really can't stand the quality, I highly recommend ripping your stuff in Apple Lossless. Really good stuff, there.
My sister-in-law, whom lives with us, has an iPod nano. It is very slim and the clear window over the display is very fragile and cracks easily. There have been many owners that are unhappy with this and have had to send them in for warranty repair.

iTunes is absolutely horrendous. Any program that is as slow and sluggish as iTunes on a system as fast as mine is worthless to me. It takes years to add music to your library, also. Maybe it works great on a Mac, I don't know. But for Windows, it stinks.

The Creative Zen, however, plays nicely with Windows and you get more bang for your buck on storage size compared to the iPod.
astrod00d said:
Get a Creative Zen instead. iPods are fragile and iTunes is a horrible program.

I've gone through 2 Zens already, and both times they've died, they've taken my library with them...

Now I've got a Toshiba Gigabeat. It's pretty nice.
astrod00d said:
iTunes is a horrible program.

Don't you have to purchase additional software to copy music from your ipod to itunes? I guess it's a piracy protection thing, but it sounds annoying.

I know very little about ipods though since I can't afford one anyway. :-)
Killerah said:
right now I use a rio Karma.

Rgr, I have the Rio Carbon and love it.

I definetly agree, go with something besides ipod ickies.

Astrod00ds suggestion, I would recommend the same thing.
Ember said:
Don't you have to purchase additional software to copy music from your ipod to itunes? I guess it's a piracy protection thing, but it sounds annoying.

I know very little about ipods though since I can't afford one anyway. :-)
There's free software available to do that. =)