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  1. Thrawn

    Forum Tools

    Heh, I've only received 13 in the 7 months I've been on here. Unless I deleted some, but I don't think so.
  2. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    To be honest, I've never seen it. We have it, and have had it for months, but it's never been opened... Next person owns a LotR soundtrack.
  3. Thrawn

    Team SoE Meeting/Practice TUESDAY 10 PM Eastern!!

    You know, that thing where people go to make fools of themselves. Isn't that right, Dredd? Or should I say, Mr. I-Have-A-Sausage-On-My-Nose... :D
  4. Thrawn

    Autom Blaze

    Can I join your youth group? :p
  5. Thrawn

    The Off Topic Thread!

    I think you're on to something there... I mean, why else would she have minions? And the fictional husband thing serves as a public identity to conceal herself and her true motives...
  6. Thrawn

    Team SoE Meeting/Practice TUESDAY 10 PM Eastern!!

    Heh, that's cool. I've done that a few times, when everybody else in the house was in bed, and I was scared of getting yelled at for being too loud. :D
  7. Thrawn

    Prayer Request...

    He's been lying on the couch, mostly, taking it easy. He and Mom have gone for some quick walks down the street a litle ways, but other than that, he's mainly been watching movies. :) Although, and we were all kinda shocked at this, he did come to church with us on Sunday. It was more out of...
  8. Thrawn

    Team SoE Meeting/Practice TUESDAY 10 PM Eastern!!

    Free quick download; And you don't have headphones?! :eek: *puts on a cheesy Chinese accent* "Until you obtain a pair of headphones, Grasshopper, you are not worthy of PvP." :p ;)
  9. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    "Draw," not really, but what I wouldn't give for a copy of Photoshop on this PC at work... Maybe once we upgrade them, I can get a copy from the main computer lab... Then I can slack off even more during work! Yay! :D :p :cool: Next person likes slacking off.
  10. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    :eek: Cool. Next person is shocked.
  11. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Can't right now, gotta wait till Oct. 27. Most likely it's a quest at Kaineng/LA, much like it was for Cantha->Tyria (and vice versa) travel. NP thinks I'm ub3r. Why, you ask? :confused: Why not? :cool:
  12. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    I like it a lot. I'm enjoying the openness of it. Much better compared to Factions' cramped cities and forests. Next person wants a lion pet.
  13. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    It's alright. My favorite color is a really dark, almost purple-y red though. Like burgundy-ish. Next person likes red.
  14. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Heh, never done it, but it does sound rather amusing. NP has programmed a calculator. In math class.
  15. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Don't Panic. :) Next person like Super Smash Bros.
  16. Thrawn

    Nightfall content

    Another thing that's really nice: You can change the secondary of you (as long as you've unlocked it) or your heroes (they can have any secondary) in any town, on the fly. No more going to Senji's or the desert to change your secondary...
  17. Thrawn

    Lvl 8 Spirit > Lvl 24 Boss

    Bloodsong: Create a level 1..7 Spirit who dies after 30..126 seconds. Attacks by that Spirit steal up to 5..21 Health.
  18. Thrawn

    When does life begin?

    Hmm, I think this is one theological argument I'm not overly familiar with. I have my opinions, but I'd be interested to see what you've found Pastori.
  19. Thrawn

    Team SoE PvPers thread Discussion #1 Best day?

    "most stormtroopers" :p