Autom Blaze


New Member
I was wondering if Anyone is going to a Christian Concert event called "Autum Blaze"? Bands are going to be David Crowder and Third Day. Anyone from guild or alliance going to this?
Where would this so called concert be? :P
BTW: i havent heard of it, so probally not.
LOL Teleport lol

4 more days until Third Day baby! I CANT WAIT ANY LONGER!!!!! Our Youth Group got front row seats WOOOOTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is the big day! I leave my house in 3 hours for David Crowder and Third Day AWESOMNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron Hutchcraft (A very famous christian speaker) will talk about salvation like he does every year. Then he will call people to go to the back of the arena to go for prayer and slavation. The leaders and I of our youth group our going to be prayer partners for this so pray and Ill tell you how it went tommarrow! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Also prayer for ALOT of prayer partners becuase they need as many as they can.

I have been to about 5 Thirday concerts and this one was by far THE BEST! The bands that played were David Crowder and Third Day. Crowders band was so awesome too. He has like this HUGE affro thing going on and everything. But it was awesome and lots of people got saved. I think like 200-300 people or something like that. There was a total of 15,000 people there too and they almost sold out. We had 3rd row seats too! IT ROCKED!
hehe I remember when I was in universal with david crowder and relient k. Both were packed several blocks back. No telling how many went to each band.